Museum-estate of I. E. Repin "Zdravnevo" description and photo - Belarus: Vitebsk

Museum-estate of I. E. Repin "Zdravnevo" description and photo - Belarus: Vitebsk
Museum-estate of I. E. Repin "Zdravnevo" description and photo - Belarus: Vitebsk
Museum-estate of I. E. Repin "Zdravnevo"
Museum-estate of I. E. Repin "Zdravnevo"

Description of the attraction

Ilya Repin's estate museum "Zdravnevo" is a manor complex where the great Russian painter lived in the period 1892-1900. and an exhibition hall), a cellar, a pond, part of a linden alley. Repin bought this beautiful estate on the picturesque bank of the Dvina with the money received from Tsar Alexander III for his painting "The Cossacks are Writing a Letter to the Turkish Sultan."

Initially, the estate was called Maloye Koitovo-Sofievka, but the artist liked the name Zdravnevo more, which was common among local residents, since he came here in the summer to improve his health, relax, and, of course, paint pictures. It was here that his immortal paintings were born: "Autumn Bouquet," Duel "," Hunter "," Young Ladies Walking Among the Herd of Cows "," Moonlit Night "," Portrait of the Artist's Son "," Belarusian "," On the Western Dvina. Sunrise”,“Apple Trees in Bloom”.

In 1989, the museum was opened to visitors in a restored house, since the house where the artist lived in 1930 was sold for firewood. In 1995, a new misfortune happened - a fire that destroyed the restored manor. After reconstruction the museum-estate "Zdravnevo" was reopened in 2000.

The exposition contains copies of photographs, documents, works of I. E. Repin, books, household items of the late 19th-20th centuries, items found during excavations on the estate.

The museum conducts an active exhibition activity in cooperation with museums and organizations of Belarus, Russia, organizes ethnographic holidays, musical evenings.

In the courtyard of the house there is a bronze monument to Repin. A pensive artist sits on a pebble among flowers.


| All reviews 5 Irina Kazakova 2017-20-09 0:00:54

Repin's estate … The sun's ray was covered with an airy mantle, Pressed against the silver of the river path.

Vagrant wind drives flocks of low clouds

And with them he hurries the birds a little bit.

The trees began to glow in the shaky:

Changed their summer outfits.

Only Christmas trees and pine trees cannot hide

From the wind of evil, mysterious n …

