Dmitrov Kremlin description and photo - Russia - Moscow region: Dmitrov

Dmitrov Kremlin description and photo - Russia - Moscow region: Dmitrov
Dmitrov Kremlin description and photo - Russia - Moscow region: Dmitrov
Dmitrov Kremlin
Dmitrov Kremlin

Description of the attraction

The picturesque ensemble of the Dmitrov Kremlin consists of the Assumption Cathedral of the 16th century, surrounded by high earthen ramparts, interesting monuments on the territory of the Kremlin and around it, and a local history museum located in several buildings.

Fortress history

The city of Dmitrov, like Moscow, was founded by the prince Yuri Dolgoruky … The city was named after his son Dmitry. It was supposed to be a fortress protecting the northern borders of the principality, as well as trade routes leading along the Yakhroma River to the Volga.

At first, the fortress was wooden and rather small. But already in the first hundred years, battles were fought for it. It was founded in 1154 year, and in 1180 was burned during the battle Vsevolod the Big Nest with the prince of Chernigov Svyatoslav … During the period of feudal fragmentation, the city repeatedly changes owners and is part of one or another principality. The fortress is growing. It is surrounded by powerful earthen ramparts - now the height of these ramparts reaches nine meters - and a palisade. In 1238 the city was burned down again by the Khan Batuand then by the khan Tudan … Since 1334, the city becomes the center of a separate principality - Dmitrovsky, and after 30 years it finally becomes part of the Moscow one. Despite occasional fires and devastation, the city is getting rich. He still controls the trade routes to the Volga and north.

During the Time of Troubles, Dmitrov is on the path of retreat False Dmitry from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. More than a year of troops Yana Sapieha besieging the monastery, and when they have to admit defeat, they retreat to Dmitrov. In the winter of 1610, Polish troops are blocked in the city. On all approaches there are detachments of the Pomor skiers of the voivode Skopin-Shuisky, who know how to fight in the deep Russian snows much better than the Poles. When Polish troops do attempt to fight outside the walls of the city, they are completely defeated.

The Dmitrov Kremlin has never been made of stone. In the winter of 1610, the fortress was still wooden and was badly damaged during the hostilities. It was renovated, but they did not begin to restore it in full, and later it was finally dismantled. Now the territory of the Kremlin is surrounded high shafts, they date back to the XII-XIII centuries, that is, go back to the time of Yuri Dolgorukov.

The wooden gates leading to the Kremlin have been restored - Nikolsky … Once upon a time, the fortress had nine wooden towers, of which two were gateways. Nikolsky Gate was recreated for the 850th anniversary of Dmitrov - in 2004.

Assumption Cathedral


We do not have an exact date for the construction of the White-stone Cathedral of the Dormition in Dmitrov. A wooden church at this place most likely stood since the founding of the city. The stone cathedral was built in the first third of the 16th century during the reign of the prince Yuri Ivanovich … Its closest architectural relative is the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. This is not surprising - the Cathedral of the Archangel was built by Ivan III, the father of Dmitrov's prince Yuri, several years earlier. Architects argue about who designed the Assumption Cathedral - the same Italian architects or others. Most often it is attributed to an architect Aleviz New … A group of architects was invited from Italy by Ivan III in 1504. They built, in addition to the Archangel Cathedral, the Trinity Cathedral in the Alexander Sloboda, the Church of St. Barbarians on Varvarka and much more. Perhaps the Assumption Cathedral in Dmitrov was created precisely based on the motives of the Archangel Cathedral, perhaps it is an independent work with an orientation towards the Italian Renaissance.

It's classic cross-domed five-domed temple … Over the centuries, the decor has changed a lot: for example, in the 18th century, huge tiled bas-reliefs with the Crucifixion and St. George the Victorious. In 1825, a new limit appears - in honor of the Intercession of the Virgin. It was built in the then fashionable pseudo-Gothic style, but ideally fit into the Italian temple. The architect of this limit was F. Shestakov … The most famous creation of this architect is the Moscow Church of the Ascension at the Nikitsky Gate, the same one where Pushkin was married. Then, in 1842, another limit was built on the other side, almost the same.

The original belfry has not survived, the current Bell tower appeared at the end of the 18th century. In the twenties of the XIX century, a clock was installed on it.

The temple ceased to function here in 1930. Cathedral remained museum, therefore, most of the interior decoration has been preserved. The frescoes in the cathedral date back to the first half of the 19th century. The iconostasis is made of wood. The base itself was made in the 18th century, and the icons have been collected since the 15th century. Another example of magnificent 18th century wooden carving is the “bishop's seat”, a canopy throne, on which the bishop was during the service. It was brought here from Moscow Krutitsy.

Some of the treasures of the Assumption Cathedral are in the Moscow Tretyakov Gallery - for example, the 12th century icon of Dmitry Solunsky.

The temple was restored twice, in the 60s of the XX century and at the beginning of the XXI century. Then he was transferred to the believers. For some time, the premises were divided between the church and the museum, but now the museum has moved to a separate building and the cathedral is wholly owned by believers.

Monuments in the Kremlin


Near the Kremlin itself there is a monument to the founder of the city - Yuri Dolgoruky … Unlike the Moscow equestrian, this prince is depicted on foot. The author of the sculpture - V. Tserkovnikov.

A monument appeared in front of the Assumption Cathedral not so long ago Hieromartyr Seraphim (Zvezdinsky) … This man had been bishop of Dmitrov since 1920, during the most difficult years for the Orthodox Church. In Dmitrov, he spent only two years, and from 1922 to 1925 he was imprisoned, first in Butyrka, then in Ust-Sysolsk. After his release, the Chekists offered him cooperation, but he refused, was dismissed from the staff, then exiled again and died in 1937 in Ishim. Canonized in 2000.

There is also a monument in the Kremlin Saints Cyril and Methodius, Slavic educators.

Literally a few meters from the Kremlin passes Kropotkinskaya street, turned into an open-air sculpture museum. The figures of peasants, young ladies, peddlers take us to the county Dmitrov of the 19th century. The author of these sculptures - A. Karaulov … It ends with the house-museum of Peter Kropotkin, a prince and revolutionary who lived out his life in Dmitrov.

Museum-Reserve "Dmitrov Kremlin"


The Dmitrov Museum was founded before the revolution. It began as a "Museum of Goods" under the Dmitrov Union of Cooperatives, that is, it was conceived approximately as an "exhibition of the achievements of the national economy." But with the beginning of the revolution, many other items appeared in his collection. The museum is located in the mansion of the princes Gagarins … Princess Nina Gagarina becomes the scientific secretary, Princess Anna Shakhovskaya, the daughter of a well-known leader of the Cadet party and the great-granddaughter of the Decembrist, becomes the head of the museum. She is engaged in the natural science component of the collection and is writing a book about the nature of the Dmitrov region. The museum organized meteorological station, an exposition of minerals and herbariums of the Dmitrov flora appears in it. Since 1926, the museum has moved to Borisoglebsky monastery, then the Assumption Cathedral is handed over to him. At first, the property of the cathedral is supposed to be liquidated as ideologically harmful, but museum staff heroically save it.

In the 1930s-1940s, the museum was entirely partisan. The iconostasis is closed from visitors, the exposition tells mainly about the achievements of the national economy: it occupies not only the cathedral building, but also the Kremlin square. During the war, the museum continues to function, sharing premises with a bomb shelter in the basement and a grain warehouse.

Now it is one of the largest museums in the Moscow region. In 2018, it officially celebrated its centenary. In 2004, the funds moved to a new building, two hundred meters from the ramparts, almost on the territory of the Kremlin itself. The museum manages several buildings in Dmitrov. it house-museum of P. Kropotkin, house of St. Seraphim Zvezdinsky, building of the noble assembly, which hosts art exhibitions, and the main exposition on Pushkinskaya Street.

Museum exposition


The museum exhibits are presented on two floors. The first two halls are occupied with things that came here from ruined noble estates … The Olsufievs, Korsakovs, Polivanovs, Prozorovskys - all had estates in the Dmitrovsky district. Some of the things were confiscated after the revolution, some were donated to the museum by descendants. For example, the cannon of the 18th century, which was donated to the museum in the 20th century by the descendants of the commander Polivanov. Here are exhibits and portraits from the Norovs 'estate - Nadezhdin, the Apraksins' estate - Olga, there are some things that came from Abramtsevo.

Since Soviet times, a rich collection of ethnographic collection, telling about the peasant and bourgeois life of the XIX century, about the folk crafts and industrial achievements of the Dmitrov region. Here you can find porcelain, Dmitrov folk toys, works of the "stone" artel - colored buttons and beads - and much more. A whole hall is dedicated to the construction of the water utility to them. Moscow in 1932-37.

Interesting Facts

Near Dmitrov, in Verbilki, a porcelain factory, founded in the 18th century, still operates. Gardner's porcelain is known all over the world. Their brand store is located not far from the Kremlin.

Near Dmitrov, during the First World War, they tried to create a gigantic combat vehicle - the prototype of a wheeled tank. The car could not go - it got stuck in the ground, stood until 1923 and was scrapped. A model of this car can now be seen in the museum.

On a note

  • Location: Moscow region, Dmitrov, Historical square.
  • How to get there: By electric train of the Dmitrov direction to the station "Dmitrov", then by buses No. 30, No. 49, No. 51, No. 56 or others to the stop "Gorsovet" or on foot.
  • Official website:
  • The cost of visiting the museum: adults - 200 rubles, children - 100 rubles.
  • Museum opening hours: 09: 00-20: 00 on weekdays, 10: 00-18: 00 on Saturdays and Sundays, Monday-Tuesday closed.

