Description of the attraction
The Inta Museum of Local Lore is located in the city of Inta on Kuratova Street, house 28. The Local History Museum in Inta was organized in 1969. In 1971 it became a branch of the Republican Museum of History and Local Lore. In 1992, the museum officially became an independent institution. The initiator of the creation and the first director of the local history museum was the historian and local historian Malofeevskaya L. N.
Today, the museum includes an exposition and fund complex, as well as the historical and ethnographic museum of the village of Petrun and the historical and memorial complex of the village of Abez. The fund complex includes several depositories, including a special storage, a storage room, a quarantine room, a library with a reading room, a scientific archive, restoration workshop, lecture hall.
The rarest archaeological exhibits are finds dating back to the 1st-3rd centuries. AD: mirror and rings, bronze pendants that were found during expeditions in 2001 and 2003 near Lake Pozemty.
The exhibits of the paleontological collection, which consists of materials on the paleoflora and paleofauna of the Upper Paleozoic, Lower Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic, arouse great interest of visitors.
A large collection from the funds of the local history museum of the city of Inta also characterizes the history of this area. First of all, the attention of visitors is attracted by personal archives: art critic N. Punin, philosopher L. Karsavin, scriptwriters Y. Dunsky and V. Fried, metal scientist Feshchenko-Chopivsky and other famous people. Collections of photographs of old views of the city, presented by the author's collections of Bludau, Porotikov, Ivanov, are of historical value.
The museum also houses a collection of items made of bone, suede, fur, leather, both modern and ancient, which characterize the national Komi crafts, a collection of items related to the work of miners.
The museum also houses a fine art collection of paintings by amateur and professional artists. The greatest interest in this collection are: graphics and watercolors by Vitaly Trofimov, paintings by Engels Kozlov, works of artists-prisoners of the GULAG.
The Inta Museum of Local Lore has seven exhibition halls, which are connected in a ring. The exhibits presented in them tell about the natural and climatic conditions of the region, the periods and methods of its settlement, the predominant occupation of the population of these places, their culture from ancient times to the present, about the social and political transformations in these places, the tragic history of the region associated with the times of repression. …
One of the expositions of the museum entitled "City and Destinies" presents the history of the city, which is revealed through the destinies of specific, significant for Inta personalities.
The museum exposition also tells about the industrial development of the local coal deposit. It's kind of a museum within a museum. It's called the Coal Museum. This is the only museum of its kind in the Komi Republic. It was created in 2001, its opening was timed to coincide with the sixtieth anniversary of the formation of Intaugol. The Coal Museum displays photographs, documents, models of mine mechanisms, tools, services, as well as equipment and overalls, i.e. everything that helped to recreate the process of exploration of coal reserves of the Inta region, construction, operation of local mines. Especially for the museum, various types of support for mine workings were built in full size.