Description of the attraction
One of the main attractions of Kaliningrad is the Immanuel Kant Museum, located in the historic building of the Konigsberg Cathedral. The expositions "Kant and Russia", "Kant and his entourage" and "Kant's Memorial Hall" are presented in three exhibition halls on the fourth floor of the building. The island in the center of Kaliningrad, where the museum is located, is also named after Kant.
The life story of the famous philosopher Immanuel Kant, who lived in the capital of East Prussia - Konigsberg (now Kaliningrad), is widely presented in the memorial hall. The first knowledge, hobbies, works, scientific activity and people who surrounded the founder of German philosophy are described in detail in the exposition "Albertina". Here you can learn a lot, for example, that as a result of Russia's victory in the Seven Years War, Immanuel Kant was a Russian citizen for several years. In the same room you can see Kant's petition, sent to the Empress Elizabeth, with a request to appoint him to the place of the head of the Department of Logic and Metaphysics. Also in the Museum of Immanuel Kant tells in detail about the habits of local Masons and the customs of Masonic lodges of the 18-19 centuries. The windows of the museum are decorated with artistic stained-glass windows with Masonic symbols.
In the northeastern corner of the cathedral is the grave of Immanuel Kant, a professor at the University of Koenigsberg, who never left his hometown, but is known throughout the world as a philosopher standing on the verge of the Enlightenment and Romanticism. The building of Königsberg Cathedral also houses museum exhibitions that tell about the history of Kneiphof Island (now Kant Island), the famous Wallenrodt Library and Königsberg University, whose activities are inextricably linked with the work of Kant.
In memory of Immanuel Kant, in Kaliningrad, a monument (made according to the author's model of Rauch) was installed next to the University building and a nominal bench near the Museum of the World Ocean, and a study-museum was created in the building of the Kaliningrad University (formerly - Albertina).