Woergl description and photos - Austria: Tyrol

Woergl description and photos - Austria: Tyrol
Woergl description and photos - Austria: Tyrol

Description of the attraction

The name of the Austrian town of Wergl is known to every economist. During the Great Depression, the burgomaster of Wergl, after reading the work of Silvio Gesell, ordered the printing of his own money, which partially went to the salaries of all residents of Wergl. In a short period of time, Wergl reached an unprecedented heyday. At a time when other Austrian cities could barely cope with the crisis, a large construction project was launched here. A bridge, a number of public and residential buildings, a swimming pool were erected, all roads were updated. As a result, the Austrian government, fearing for its own monetary system, banned this economic experiment.

Tourists arriving in Wergl, located in Tyrol, hardly know about this page of urban history. In general, the city, which is now home to about 12 thousand people, has become known since 1116, when it was first written about in the documents of that era. In fact, people settled in these places long before this date. Archaeologists managed to find settlements of the Bronze Age on the territory of Wergl. All artifacts found during the excavation are on display at the local city museum.

From the second half of the XIV century, Vergl became part of the possessions of the Counts of Tyrol, and then came under the rule of Austria-Hungary. In the battles with Napoleonic troops, who were trying to capture Vergl, many local residents were left lying on the battlefield. They are not forgotten by grateful descendants. In honor of the victims, a monument was built in front of the Church of St. Lawrence. The parish church of St. Lawrence was founded at the beginning of the 13th century, and then completely rebuilt in the Baroque style in the middle of the 18th century. More recently, the area in front of the temple has been significantly increased.

Tourists will also like the specially designed route "Historical Mile" passing through the city. Along it you can see information boards, where significant milestones in the history of the city and its inhabitants are mentioned.

