Description of the attraction
The ruins of the ancient city of Phaselis are located 14 km from Kemer. It was founded in the 6th century BC and quickly turned into a rich port city: its inhabitants successfully traded citizenship - for 100 drachmas, any inhabitant of Asia Minor could become a citizen of Phaselis. In 129 AD, the city was visited by the Roman emperor Hadrian, in whose honor a triumphal gate, a forum were built, and numerous statues were erected.
At that time, the city had three ports (east, middle and south). The southern port was used for military purposes, as evidenced by the fortress on a steep cliff, surrounded by powerful walls. A watch tower has been preserved in it. Through an aqueduct from a source inside the fortress, water flowed to the coast of the bay. This is one of the longest ancient aqueducts. Nearby are the ruins of baths and gymnasiums. The ruins of the acropolis are hidden in dense vegetation. Nearby are the remains of agora, triumphal gates, theater, temples and tombs. From the hill of the amphitheater, you can enjoy the wonderful landscape that is formed by the three ports.
Phaselis can be reached by sea from the pier in Kemer or by bike.
| All reviews 0 Vladimir 2013-14-02 5:57:59
Phaselis Were in Phaselis in June 2012. The most wonderful impressions! Details and video here: