Description of the attraction
One of the major cities in the north of Jutland is Aalborg, Denmark. This is a fairly ancient city, which is more than a thousand years old. Today Aalborg is a large commercial center with a seaport. Also, the city is very popular among tourists from all over the world for its unique attractions, one of which is the wonderful half-timbered Aalborg Palace.
The castle was built in 1539-1555. at the direction of King Christian III. The main purpose of the construction of the castle was to protect the country from invaders; over time, the fortress was declared unsuitable for defensive functions, for this reason the fortress was transformed into a royal residence.
Initially, the governor lived in the residence with his family and servants. The king, with all his retinue, only occasionally visited the castle. The governor in Aalborg carried out important state orders, one of such orders was the collection of mandatory taxes from the local population, and most of them were given in natural products. Until now, many barn buildings have survived in the palace, in which various supplies were stored, part of the supplies was given to the king, and part remained with the adviser.
The Aalborg Palace was built of brick blocks and wood, special cells for prisoners and prisoners were built in the basements, and various torture instruments have survived to this day.
Today, the local authorities of the city are doing their best to maintain the palace in its original form. Visitors get great pleasure from a quiet easy walk along the quiet courtyard of the residence, a green park and well-groomed alleys.