Description of the attraction
The military church of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky was built in just 14 months, and its consecration took place in 1908. With the blessing and consent of His Eminence Archbishop Eusebius of Velikie Luki and Pskov, under the leadership of Archpriest Oleg Theor, the church, which had suffered greatly during the hard times, was returned to the Church with considerable difficulties and repaired. The main archpriest Oleg was entrusted with the mission as a spiritual shepherd: to nourish the soldiers and soldiers of the Pskov diocese, as well as the huge nuclear submarine "Pskov" located in the Northern Fleet. In 2000, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and Archpriest Oleg were awarded with letters of gratitude from the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for their active participation and activities in the revival of the moral and spiritual foundations of military service to their Fatherland.
In addition, the temple also carries out publishing work. In 2001, a collection of poems was released, which became a dedication to all the dead soldiers of the sixth company of paratroopers from Pskov. The publishing department of the temple was able to use a computer to draw portraits of all the dead paratroopers of the airborne division of the city of Pskov, as well as Russian paratroopers, starting in 1994, who died tragically in the first and second Chechen wars. Soon in 2004, a book was published dedicated to the memory of all the fallen paratroopers of Russia. The names of the fallen paratroopers are immortalized on the walls of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.
There is a library at the temple, the basis of which was laid by the personal books of Archpriest Oleg. Initially, the library was located in two small wardrobes on the left side of the church choir. In order to replenish the library with new books, trips began to St. Petersburg and Moscow, as well as to Moscow monasteries, Orthodox publishing houses, which had just begun their publishing activities. The first joyful event was the transfer of the library to one of the spacious rooms of the rented building of the pre-existing kindergarten.
At the moment, the library of the Alexander Nevsky Church has in its arsenal unique and rare gramophone records, among which there are recordings performed by the choir of the Moscow Cathedral in the name of Christ the Savior under the direction of M. V. Karpov, as well as the choir of the St. Petersburg Opera under the direction of A. A., I. Turoverova.
At the church of Alexander Nevsky, a church museum is being worked, the birth of which took place thanks to the rector Oleg. It was this person who was able to collect and preserve a huge number of shrines, as well as museum values, which are closely related to the diverse and rich history of the entire ancient Pskov land. In the church museum there is a copy of the Old Testament, which bears the notes of the great emperor Nicholas II. Another shrine of the museum is the cassock of John of Kronstadt, whose signature is in one of the library books. The Goddess brought from St. Petersburg is especially honored. It is in this museum that you can see the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Image of Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and many other interesting exhibits. Museum funds are constantly replenished with works by children of Sunday schools, contemporary artists, as well as new exhibits acquired on pilgrimage trips to holy places around the world: Italy, Greece, Jerusalem, Russia, Athos.