Historical Museum description and photos - Bulgaria: Asenovgrad

Historical Museum description and photos - Bulgaria: Asenovgrad
Historical Museum description and photos - Bulgaria: Asenovgrad

Table of contents:

Historical Museum
Historical Museum

Description of the attraction

The Historical Museum in Asenovgrad is located in the center of the city in a building built in 1895, which once housed the Officers' House. The museum was founded in 1971 and houses its exposition in three exhibition halls with a total area of 200 sq. km. The collection includes about 1000 exhibits.

The first hall contains the section "Archeology". It tells about the life of the region from the 7th millennium BC. NS. Visitors can see stone and bone tools of labor, household and cult objects, ceramics from the Neolithic period, and many finds from the prehistoric period. A deer-shaped pottery found in the village of Muldava deserves special attention. Stone axes with holes, idols carved from bone, ceramics, etc. serve as a vivid illustration of the life of local settlers during the Eneolithic period. An exceptional find is a clay female idol, a symbol of fertility, made with artistically deformed body parameters.

The Bronze Age culture and then the Iron Age culture (Hallstatt culture) in this region was carried by the Besi Thracian tribe. The museum contains their weapons for defense and attack, a collection of marble slabs, bronze vessels, statues of gods and much more. In the exposition dedicated to the Thracian period, you can see a dating from the 1st century AD. NS. a tomb with a four-wheeled chariot and rich dying gifts.

As a result of archaeological excavations on the territory of the Asen Fortress, scientists have discovered many items from the Middle Ages. The section "Ethnography" presents national costumes, jewelry, fabrics and household items.
