Description of the attraction
The Boyana River (Buna - in Albanian) is located in the western side of the Balkans, flows in the territory of two countries: Albania and Montenegro. The beginning of the river is the famous Skadar Lake, located near a city called Shkoder, but it flows into the Adriatic Sea. The length of the river is about 41 km. If we take into account the main river that flows into the Skadar (Moraci), then the total length of the entire system is approximately equal to 183 km.
In 1852, the Bolshoi Drin became a tributary of the Boyana River, which changed its course due to flooding. One of the peculiarities is that the runoff of this branch is almost 10 times greater than the runoff of the main river.
After leaving the Albanian territory (20 km), the riverbed of the Boyana becomes more meandering. At its mouth, two branches are formed, which create a kind of delta, where the island of Ada is located. This island is famous for those who like to spend time in naturist destinations. In addition, unlike all similar formations, it has an ideal triangle shape.
Among the unique features of this river, such as its passage below sea level in some places are distinguished. In case of a strong south wind in the river. Boyan gets seawater, and this is the reason for the reverse flow. For this feature, the locals call the river the only river on the planet that can flow in both directions.
The Boyany Delta is popular with fishing enthusiasts - people often come to these parts to spend time in a secluded backwater with a fishing rod in their hands. Along the banks of the river, you can see many houses on stilts, where local fishermen live. These dwellings are rented to tourists for a reasonable fee during the hot season. In addition, a large number of fish restaurants are located at the mouth of the river, each of which has its own specific feature.
Located at the mouth of the river, the island of Ada is famous for its landscapes and a very nice beach. The swimming season lasts from the end of April to November. the entrance to the water is very shallow. Among other things, the sand here is fine, quartz-shell has a mild radioactive effect, is rich in corals and many minerals.