Description of the attraction
The Bishkek Botanical Garden, owned by the local Academy of Sciences, covers 124 hectares. Only 36 hectares are open to visitors. In terms of its area and the richness of plant species grown here, the Kyrgyz Botanical Garden is considered one of the largest and most significant in Central Asia. It was founded in 1938. Its planning was carried out by landscape designers I. Vykhodtsev and E. Nikitin. In 1964, the Botanical Garden became a scientific base for scientists of the Academy of Sciences. Here they began to cultivate and study ornamental and fruit trees, shrubs, herbs, flowers, etc.
On the territory of the Botanical Garden there is a large arboretum, a greenhouse for exotic plants, a luxurious flower garden, a rose garden of 3 hectares, where flowers grow, which delight with their beauty from April to August. In addition, an orchard has been planted here, where different types of fruit trees are collected. Local scientists are proud of the extensive collection of hybrid plants. 3 hectares are occupied by a pharmaceutical garden with medicinal herbs that grow here not for beauty, but for purely practical purposes. The employees of the Botanical Garden pay great attention to the study of their medicinal properties and the production of tinctures, solutions, ointments from herbs that help with certain diseases. There is also a nursery at the Botanical Park where plants for sale are grown.
In 2011, Canadian scientists wanted to build their own laboratory within the Bishkek Botanical Garden, but the country's president banned the construction of the building.
In the city of Naryn on 4, 17 hectares there is a mini-botanical garden, which is a branch of the Bishkek one.