Syretsky arboretum description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev

Syretsky arboretum description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev
Syretsky arboretum description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev
Syretsky arboretum
Syretsky arboretum

Description of the attraction

The Syrets arboretum belongs to those parks that even specialists in landscape architecture know little about, but this fact does not diminish its significance. This beautiful and rich in vegetation park is located in the historical part of Kiev, known as Syrets, which gave the park its name.

Since the Syretsky arboretum is very unique, it was given the status of a park-monument of landscape gardening art of national importance. At the heart of the arboretum is a park of decorative cultures, founded in the 19th century by the owner of the flower farm Meyer. Until now, in the park you can find decorative landscape groups and individual specimens planted by this zealous German. Since the current territory of the park (which is six and a half hectares) consists of one third of the park of decorative crops, many researchers tend to believe that its age reaches more than 125 years.

The Syrets arboretum underwent major works on expanding the territory and forming modern landscape compositions in the fifties-sixties of the twentieth century. At the same time, the collection of the park's ornamental plants was significantly increased. The work was supervised by the well-known dendrologist Nikolai Ptitsyn at that time. Thanks to his efforts, more than five hundred forms, species and varieties of shrubs, trees and herbaceous plants have appeared in the park.

In the late 1980s, the park was reconstructed. The main emphasis of the reconstruction was made on improving the landscaping of the arboretum, as well as improving the decorative qualities of its plants. Plants in the Syretsky arboretum are not arranged in a systematic order, as is usually done, but according to the principle of decorativeness, which allows achieving an unusual combination of plants and the formation of original compositions.

