Palazzo dei Notai description and photos - Italy: Bologna

Palazzo dei Notai description and photos - Italy: Bologna
Palazzo dei Notai description and photos - Italy: Bologna
Palazzo dei Notai
Palazzo dei Notai

Description of the attraction

Palazzo dei Notai, which can be translated as the Palace of the Notaries, is a stately building built between the 14th and 15th centuries on the south side of Piazza Maggiore in Bologna. The palace's architects, with a crenellated façade, double-arched windows and small white marble columns, were Berto Cavalletto, Lorenzo da Bagnomarino and Andrea di Vicenzo. The coat of arms of the Society of Notaries can still be seen on the facade - three inkpots and quills are located on a red background.

The construction of the palace took place in two stages: the part facing the Basilica of San Petronio is older, and the part overlooking the Palazzo Communale is newer. Palazzo dei Notai itself stands on the site of two buildings that once belonged to the family of the famous Italian lawyer Accursio and were bought out in 1287 by the Society of Notaries. In 1384, the building from the side of San Petronio was demolished, and the construction of a new palace began immediately, which was completed forty years later. It is believed that a newer section of the palace was built under the direction of Bartolomeo Fioravanti. For the next five centuries, it housed the Council of Notaries and preserved important legal documents. True, in 1700 there was also a storehouse of salt, so necessary for the preservation of meat. In 1908, after extensive restoration work that changed the original appearance of the building, the coat of arms of the Society was placed on the facade of the Palazzo. Fortunately, there are 14th century frescoes inside. Today the building is occupied by government offices and living quarters.

