Church of Peter and Paul in the village of them. Morozov description and photo - Russia - Leningrad region: Vsevolozhsky district

Church of Peter and Paul in the village of them. Morozov description and photo - Russia - Leningrad region: Vsevolozhsky district
Church of Peter and Paul in the village of them. Morozov description and photo - Russia - Leningrad region: Vsevolozhsky district
Church of Peter and Paul in the village of them. Morozova
Church of Peter and Paul in the village of them. Morozova

Description of the attraction

The church in the name of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul at the Shlisselburg gunpowder factories is located in the Vsevolozhsk region, in the village of. Morozov. The architect Pokrovsky V. A. worked on the creation of the temple.. with assistant I. F. Bezpalov; artist N. K. Roerich, mosaic works were carried out by the private workshop of V. A. Frolov.

In the vicinity of this area was the Church of St. John the Baptist, which was built before 1568. Nearby there were several more churches that are mentioned in medieval chronicles.

Until the end of the 19th century. these lands on low swampy shores were empty and only in the early 1880s. in this place a new large chemical plant for gunpowder production was founded. The Shlisselburg gunpowder factories were built on lands that were in the possession of von Rennenkampf, the "Russian Society for the manufacture and sale of gunpowder." The site was built up according to German projects, since the main capital of the plant was owned by German industrialists. In search of a suitable place for the construction of the plant, the owners examined many provinces, but the most suitable was the place on the right bank of the Neva opposite Shlisselburg.

In 1907 the factory church was consecrated in honor of Saints Peter and Paul. The temple accommodated 1 thousand parishioners. The Orthodox Church was made in accordance with the ancient Russian architectural traditions. The first sketches of the temple date back to 1902, which are a drawing of a small hipped wooden temple. The stone version of the temple was approved by the construction department of the St. Petersburg Provincial Board in 1904. According to the new project, the temple was an equal-pointed cross in terms of its plan. Each branch of the cross was covered in a small way, the main western facade above each zakomara was crowned with three heads, the middle section was crowned with a head. But for unknown reasons, the project was reworked by the author beyond recognition, albeit with the full preservation of the plan.

After a long break, for the first time, the architect used the inherent to the temples of Novgorod a striped covering, windows in stepped niches, breaking blades, round pillars of the vestibules. The smooth surfaces of the walls were decorated with applied crosses, numerous depressions and niches formed various geometric patterns. Their prototypes were the walls of the Novgorod temples of Theodore Stratilat, Savior on Ilyin, on the Brook. The architect changed the shape of the heads and the design of the crosses, he gave the shape of kokoshniks to the crowning of the sides of the tent base, and reduced the number of small chapters.

The temple inside was not painted. White walls were decorated with niches-pechuras and portals of entrances. In addition to the iconostasis, the temple was decorated with candlesticks, carved wooden benches, shelves, banners, icon cases. The icons were painted in the workshop of the Pashkov brothers (Moscow).

According to unconfirmed reports, in 1938 the temple was closed. And during the war (presumably in 1942-1943) the temple was destroyed in preparation for breaking the blockade.

In the late 50s. the ruins of the church were dismantled. Only a gatehouse remained from the temple buildings, which was used as housing and part of the church fence. On a part of the foundation of the church, a stone one-story office of the construction administration was built, on the adjacent territory there was a parking lot for cars and special equipment.

In 1989, in the village of. Morozov, a religious community was organized. In the early 90s, she began a struggle to return the land to the church with the foundations of an old church and a gatehouse. As a result, the construction department left this site, and after a while the tenants from the gatehouse were also evicted.

Since 1992the building of the gatehouse, preserved from the last century, is an object of historical and cultural heritage of the beginning of the 20th century.

The building of the former office of the construction administration was converted into a temple. The authors of the project are V. N. Bogomolov and V. I. Tonkikh tried to give the building features of resemblance to the old church, crowning the building with a tent with a spherical head. Assistance in the organization of the new church was provided by the plant. Morozov. The first service in the new church was conducted by priest Vadim (Burenin) on October 30, 1993, on Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday. At the expense of the community, craftsmen carried out work on the restoration of the roof and facades of the building by craftsmen invited from Pskov.

The foundation of the temple still preserves the memory of the size of the building, determines the place of the lost church, which is part of the system of city-forming dominants of the Neva estuary area.

