Description of the attraction
The famous museum of M. P. Mussorgsky is the only museum in the world dedicated to the famous composer. The homeland of the greatest Russian composer Mussorgsky Modest Petrovich was the villages of Naumovo and Karevo, which are located on the northern shore of the lake called Zhizhitskoe.
The family estate of the Chirikovs (the ancestors of M. P. Musorsgkiy on the mother's side, Chirikova Yu. I.) is the Naumovo estate. It was this village that became the center of a vast museum complex, which is united by the villages of Poshivkino and Karelovo. All the childhood impressions of young Modest, associated with village life, were reflected in his musical works, describing the hopeless and difficult life of ordinary people.
The historical development of the Naumov estate dates back to the 17th century. The small village of Naumovo, which had been in the possession of the Chirikov family since 1653, passed by inheritance for almost a century and a half to the representatives of this kind of noblemen. It should be borne in mind that only in the first half of the 19th century, the second owner of the estate became one of the representatives of the Musorgsky family, namely Pyotr Alekseevich, who in the future became the father of the great composer. Pyotr Alekseevich, by the time he took full possession of the estate, had already served in the Senate as a clerk from 1814 to 1822, and in 1828 married the daughter of Ivan Chirikov's neighbor, Yulia Ivanovna. As a dowry for the wedding, a small village of Naumovskoye was donated, as well as 28 peasant souls.
As for the architectural component of the plan, the estate is a kind of combination of buildings belonging to different periods of time, but still subordinate to a single structure. In addition to the main manor house, as well as the outbuilding, the Musorgsky Museum owns a barn, a man's, a barn, a dairy, a greenhouse and a smithy. It is in this place that various and long-established musical festivals are held, which are dedicated to the composer.
The estate is located on an elevated area of a small gentle hill, gently sloping down to the lake. There is a beautiful orchard on this slope. On the south side of the estate there is a park in which the age of trees reaches 150-200 years. This park is related to the type of English, artificially made in a romantic style parks, equipped with shady alleys, as well as intricate linden pavilions with a small pond, flower beds and ornamental shrubs. The border that runs from the side of the garden and separates it from the estate is quite clearly marked by several plantings of several rows of fir trees.
Not far from the estate and next to the park, on a small hill, there is an ancient oak tree, which is three hundred years old. The estate has two ponds, one of which is oval. Another is equipped with an island and is located on the eastern side of the park. The manor house is one-storey and equipped with a mezzanine. The architecture of the house is strictly maintained in the style of late classicism. Next to the upper pond there is a small wooden building, which is intended for domestic use. In the central part of the park there is a residential wing and a greenhouse.
The very first museum exposition was dedicated to the life and work of Modest Petrovich, the opening of which took place in 1972 in the manor outbuilding in the village of Naumovo. During the period from 1973 to 1979, restoration and repair work was carried out in the external and internal decoration of the house. Throughout 1975, a major overhaul was carried out in the dairy, which also hosted an exposition entitled "People's Life of the 19th Century". The barn was renovated in 1976 and restoration work on the human room was completed by 1984.
The famous monument to Mussorgsky M. P. was erected on a hill in the village of Karevo on the site of a previously existing house in which the famous composer was born. The installation of the monument was planned for the 150th anniversary of the birth of Modest Petrovich. Dumanyan V. Kh. was the sculptor of this project. The monument dedicated to the composer is made of bronze and is located on a granite pedestal, depicting a full-length figure of Mussorgsky, dressed in a developing cape.