Description of the attraction
The monument to the heroes of the war of 1812 was erected in Vitebsk on the occasion of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War on the initiative of the Vitebsk Scientific Archive Commission. The money for the monument was collected by residents of Vitebsk and Vitebsk province. The monument immortalized the immortal feat of the Belarusian people in the war against the Napoleonic army.
On the eve of the celebration, a competition for the best works was announced throughout the Russian Empire. Competitive works were published in the magazine "Architect". In Vitebsk, the project of I. A. Fomin. Before the monument was made of stone, it was made of wood and installed in the designated place in order to see all the imperfections.
The monument was erected in front of the governor's house - exactly where in 1812 Napoleon inspected his troops before making the fateful decision - to move to Moscow.
The 26-meter high polished granite obelisk is crowned with a double-headed eagle sitting on a ball. The obelisk is installed on a rectangular pedestal. A memorial plaque on the pedestal reads: "To the immortal valor of the heroes of the Patriotic War, participants in the battles near Vitebsk on July 13, 14, 15 and October 26, 1812." Four cast-iron mortar guns are installed in the corners of the monument.
The red granite of the obelisk was mined in the galleries of Galsingfors (Helsinki) and specially delivered to Vitebsk, where it was processed by master A. A. Ivanov from the village of Vassergelishki, Vitebsk province.
The bronze eagle on a ball was made at the factory of artistic bronze casting and electroplating works of A. Moron in St. Petersburg.