Description of the attraction
The expositions under the names "Folk Art of the Russian North" and "Old Russian Art of the 14-18th Centuries" in the collection of the Vologda Museum-Reserve, presented in the southern walls of the Vologda Kremlin, represent the culture of the Vologda Territory especially vividly and vividly. One of the expositions acquaints visitors in detail with the monuments of icon painting, small plastic arts, facial sewing and wooden culture. All works fully reflect all the features and characteristics of the local culture, and also make it possible to trace the active influence of various trends and schools. The special pride of the museum are such icons as: "The Tolgskaya Mother of God" or "Podkubenskaya"; "Trinity of Zyryanskaya", written by St. Stephen of Perm; "John the Baptist in the Desert", which entered the museum directly from the Seven-City Desert, and some others. The icons of the talented masters of the 17th century Grigory Ageev and Ivan Markov amaze with their unusual luxurious decorativeness.
The exposition "Folk Art of the Russian North" presents objects of peasant life with various representatives of artistic craft: weaving, painting and wood carving, embroidery, artistic pottery and metal and printed cloth. There are utensils, tools, and costume items that the masters turned into real works of art. The exposition presents various types of paintings: Rakul, Glubokoe, Borets, Puchuzh, Gayutins, presented on chests, spinning wheels, cabinets. The clothes of our ancestors, which at one time reflected the social and marital status of a person, and also spoke about his ability for creativity and solvency, are of considerable value. A considerable number of works of folk culture contain information about the beliefs and customs of our ancestors, their inherent moral culture and perception of the world around them.
The third exposition, which will soon be presented to visitors, is related to crafts and arts and crafts of the Vologda Territory. The rich and unique history of lace craft helps to devote a separate exposition to it. In this section, not only a new exposition is being prepared, but also the exposition "Crafts and Artistic Trades of the Vologda Territory", which is supposed to show crafts and trades: Shemogodskaya carving, northern mob, Ustyug graphic crafts, perforated iron, Domshinskaya birch bark. The new collection will perfectly complement the Lace Museum and will give some idea that the local land is a real treasure of folk talents.
One of the activities of the art center is the preparation of festive events that take place within the department's exposition. The script is built in such a way that numerous exhibits are literally woven into the festive canvas. One of such events was the lace festival, which was attended by one of the lace production firms, a technical school of arts and crafts, a children's fashion theater and other participants. Such actions help to present museum exhibits from the other side and to replenish the collections, which is included in the list of the most important tasks of the museum.
Each year, as its partnerships develop, the art department forms so-called traveling exhibitions at the request of other museums. At the request of colleagues from the city of Rostov in 2008, the exhibition of works by the famous master Evdokia Panova was transferred to Rostov for the summer period. Themed paintings, which are made using the technique of home art, are emotional and vivid, are incredibly popular and recognized by the majority of visitors. In Hungary, the exposition "Orthodox art of the 16-18 centuries in the collection of the museum-reserve of the city of Vologda" was presented.
In addition, the art department has been carrying out a number of events under the name "Symbols and Images" for several years. One of the sections is devoted to the topic of the printed gingerbread. The exhibition aims to spark the imagination of master carvers to create gingerbread boards and arouse the desire of the population to have their own gingerbread recipes.