Description of the attraction
The National Transport Museum, located on the banks of the Danube in the city of Ruse, is the only one of its kind in Bulgaria. Located in the building of the first railway station, built in 1866 by the Barkley brothers. In 1966, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the railway in Bulgaria, it was declared a national museum of railway communications, and the museum building was officially named a historical monument.
The expositions are located in two parts of the station building and in the open air. The museum consists of three sections dedicated to rail transport, shipping and communications.
Here, visitors can see several locomotives, different car models (for example, the personal carriages of tsars Ferdinand I and Boris III, Sultan Abul Azis) and many other interesting exhibits (old archival documents, forms of conductors and railway signs) are among the most interesting. In the communication hall, visitors can get acquainted with the technical development of the telegraph, post office, radio and television, and at the exhibition dedicated to shipping, they can see old ships and maps.
This museum will allow its visitors to plunge into the amazing atmosphere of antiquity and help to increase their erudition with many interesting facts.
It will be interesting for Russians to learn that the museum's exhibits took part in the filming of the Russian-Bulgarian feature film "Turkish Gambit" based on the work of the same name by the writer Boris Akunin.