Description of the attraction
Baduk Lakes is a cascade of three small mountain lakes on the Baduk mountain river, which is a left tributary of the Teberda River. They are located in a valley between the two ridges Khadzhibeysk and Baduksk near the village of Dombay and the city of Teberda, on the territory of the Teberda nature reserve.
It is worth noting that there are other lakes on the Baduk River, a little smaller, they are located upstream, and, unlike their three brothers, are not so famous. Very often these three lakes are called the Lower Baduk lakes or simply Baduki.
Baduk lakes are lakes of landslide-dam origin. By the standards of geology, they were formed relatively not so long ago, only about 200 years ago.
The first Baduk lake is the smallest and the lowest one along the river. It is not very large and shallow, its length does not exceed 80 m, and its depth is not more than 4.5 m. The shores of the first Baduk Lake are made of granite boulders interspersed with small crystals of rock crystal. All slopes around it are covered with forest and only on one side there is a so-called "window" through which high mountains can be seen. The distance from the first to the second lake is about 260 m.
The second Baduk lake, which is located upstream, is slightly larger than the first, its length is 200 m. This lake is usually bypassed, but it is clearly visible from the trail. The second lake is located just 60 m from the third.
The third Baduk Lake is located above all lakes and is the largest of them, its maximum length is about 330 m, and the depth is 9 m. The water in the lake has a bluish-green hue, in summer it warms up to 10 ° C, unlike the other two lakes where the water temperature does not rise above 5 ° C. The lake shore is covered with huge boulders in places. The forest framing it gives a special charm to the lake.
Baduk lakes are the most beautiful sight of the Teberda nature reserve, famous for its picturesque landscapes.