Description of the attraction
The Cathedral Mosque in Magnitogorsk is one of the city's attractions. The mosque is located in a park area near the Ural River.
Magnitogorsk is a multinational city. Therefore, the ethnic composition of Muslim communities here is quite diverse: Bashkirs, Tatars, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Azerbaijanis, and so on. A small mosque that had existed for many years could not accommodate all the parishioners, so over time, a need arose for a large building. In 1991, the city government decided to build a new spacious mosque.
The construction of the mosque took over 10 years. Construction work on its construction was completed only in 2004. The author of this project was the architect N. G. Sayakhov. The prototype of the Magnitogorsk mosque is Masjid Qubbat al-Sahra in the vicinity of Jerusalem. The architectural solution was made taking into account Islamic symbols - in the form of a crescent moon with a star. In the ensemble, the building of the mosque is a nine-sided star in the plan, and the household building is the crescent. In the geometric center of the crescent, there is a minaret with a viewing platform, from where the muezzin calls Muslims to prayer.
The Cathedral Mosque of Magnitogorsk has a modest interior. The main decoration of the mosque is floral and geometric ornaments in the design of the mihrab. The hotel and household complex contains a madrasah, ritual ablution sites, an office, a library, the imam's apartments, hotel rooms and a gatehouse.
The building of the Cathedral Mosque and the high minaret are very clearly visible from afar, so they always attract the attention of local residents and guests of the city of Magnitogorsk.