Monument to M.Yu. Lermontov description and photo - Russia - South: Taman

Monument to M.Yu. Lermontov description and photo - Russia - South: Taman
Monument to M.Yu. Lermontov description and photo - Russia - South: Taman
Monument to M. Yu. Lermontov
Monument to M. Yu. Lermontov

Description of the attraction

The monument to M. Yu. Lermontov is one of the attractions of Taman. The monument is located in the very center of the village, in a shady public garden, next to the museum dedicated to the great writer.

Mikhail Lermontov visited Taman twice. Here he was passing through in 1837. After his first visit, the famous story "Taman" appeared, thanks to which everyone learned about the village. Much to his chagrin, Lermontov did not like Taman, therefore, having come to this territory for the second time, he did not visit the village, but stopped at the Fanagoria fortress. But today it is no longer important what the poet wrote then, what is important is that he called one of his literary works "Taman". Lermontov is remembered and respected in Taman, therefore a monument was erected in his honor.

Inauguration of the monument to M. Yu. Lermontov took place on October 15, 1984 during the celebration of the 170th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian poet. In this sculpture, Lermontov is leaning on a small rock, on a steep coast, directing his gaze into the distance, towards the sea. The monument was erected by the architect V. A. and a real master of stone craft Brodsky I. D.

Unfortunately, in the village of Taman, not a single building has survived from the time when the famous writer lived here. In 1964, on the edge of a high cliff, in the place where the house where M. Yu. Lermontov lived, local scientists and admirers of Lermontov's work recreated the house with a courtyard.

There is also a small museum in Taman dedicated to M. Yu. Lermontov, which has become the pride of this region.

