Description of the attraction
Singkawang is a city located in the West Kalimantan province of Indonesia. The second name of this city is San Keuw Jong.
Singkawang is located 145 km north of Pontianak, the capital of the West Kalimantan province. This city is surrounded by three mountains - Pasi, Poteng and Sakok. The name of the city translates as “the city on the hills near the sea and the river mouth”. This phrase comes from the language of the Hakka people. The Hakka or Hanqi people are a large (sub-ethnic) group of Chinese who live mainly in southeastern China, but also in Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia and other countries in Southeast Asia. This ethnic group lives in Australia, North America and even Oceania.
In 2014, a population census was carried out in the city of Singkawang, which showed that the majority of the inhabitants are of Chinese origin, of which 42% are Hakka. The rest are the Chaozhou people, Malays, Dayaks and Javanese. In terms of religion, the city has groups of Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. Singkawang is divided into 5 administrative districts: Singkawang Selatan, Singkawang Timur, Singkawang Utara, Singkawang Barat and Singkawang Tengah.
There are many temples in the city itself, as well as outside it, therefore Singkawang is also known as the "city of a thousand temples". It is worth noting that almost every god and goddess from Chinese mythology is worshiped in the city. In addition, the locals adore famous historical figures such as General Guan Yu, Admiral Zheng He, Emperor Song Tai Tzu. In honor of this emperor, a temple was also built on the outskirts of the city.