Children's railway description and photo - Ukraine: Donetsk

Children's railway description and photo - Ukraine: Donetsk
Children's railway description and photo - Ukraine: Donetsk
Toy railway
Toy railway

Description of the attraction

The children's railway of the city of Donetsk is located on the territory of the Lenin Komsomol Park of Culture and Leisure, not far from the Donbass Arena stadium. The main line was named in honor of the former head of the Donetsk railway - V. Priklonsky.

The first Donetsk Children's Railway named after Kirov was opened back in 1936 in the A. Shcherbakov Central Park. However, during the Great Patriotic War, it ceased to exist, since it was completely destroyed. The new V. Priklonsky Small Children's Railway was built in 1972. Impressive railway station buildings were built here, as well as a locomotive depot for diesel locomotives.

Today, there are two diesel locomotives in operation of the Small Children's Railway: TU2-023, TU2-038 and five PV51 cars. All carriages have been repaired, modernized and brightly painted for the joy of the kids. Trains of the Children's Railway run along the route, the length of which is 2.1 kilometers, between two stations - "Pionerskaya" and "Shakhtyorskaya". The duration of the trip is 25 minutes.

ChRW stations are equipped with all the necessary technical equipment. There are circles for children: railway, local history, theater, music, computer and "skillful hands". Every year, young railway workers and pupils of Donetsk schools have an excellent opportunity to gain useful knowledge and practical skills here, namely, learn how to drive trains, work as dispatchers, conductors and switchmen.

It is very convenient to combine a ride on the train of the children's railway with other entertainments. The highway is located in a park where children can play on the playground, stroll through the meadow of fairy tales with interesting sculptures, and also take a tour of the modern Donbass Arena stadium.

