Description of the attraction
Mount Roraima is located in the Guiana Highlands. This plateau is sometimes called "tepui country". On its territory there are not only tepuis, huge plateaus - the result of erosion, but also waterfalls, sinkholes and giant caves. Roraima is considered the highest mountain in the area. The height of the mountain is about 2810 meters. It is located at the junction of the borders of Brazil, Venezuela and Nayana.
It is believed that Roraima is the prototype of the plateau inhabited by dinosaurs in the novel by A. Conan-Doyle "The Lost World". Far from the first attempt, the mountain was conquered in 1884 and, of course, dinosaurs were not found there, but several new species of plants and animals, characteristic only for this area, were discovered.
Tourists who decide to climb the mountain get not only unforgettable impressions of the views that have opened, but also get acquainted with the local unique flora and fauna. The so-called cloud forests grow here. They are dense thickets of low-growing trees, completely covered with moss. Along the paths there are numerous ferns and plants that resemble burdocks with three-meter leaves - Hunners. On the plateau itself, bizarre rocks "grow" in large numbers, resembling mushrooms, magic castles, chess pieces. About a fifth of the plateau is covered with water. In some places, natural pools are formed, although tourists often find the water too cold. Peat bogs are also common on the plateau. These are the brightest corners of this area. Here you can see a huge number of orchids and carnivorous plants. Most of the trees are bonsai-like, giving the plateau the look of a Japanese garden. There are few animals here, mostly noses - relatives of raccoons. There are black butterflies, dragonflies and toads. Locals believe that black toads are older than dinosaurs.
Nowadays there are several excursions for tourists every day. The tour usually lasts several days and is only accompanied by a guide. Travel on your own to the mountain is prohibited, as it is dangerous. Every year people disappear in this area. Sweaters and sleeping bags are provided to participants prior to the start of the tour. It is advised to take repellent cream and sunscreen cream with you. Tourists carry personal equipment themselves, and special porters carry food and tents. The descendants of the Indians work as porters - pemon, men and women, often their children help them. The tour program includes hiking, parking at equipped campgrounds, climbing a mountain, spending the night in caves. Long hiking trails end at the stone pyramid - the "triple point", which marks the junction of three borders. Further on is Lake Gladys, named after the lake from the novel The Lost World. It is completely overgrown with sedge and it is not allowed to approach it independently. After a few kilometers, tourists will find the most amazing place on the plateau - the Nose of the ship. It is a narrow, sharp ledge that ends in Roraima towards the north.
A trip to Mount Roraima is an unforgettable adventure for all lovers of wildlife, eco tourism and outdoor activities.