Description of the attraction
For the last two centuries, the Holy Spiritual Monastery has been the only Orthodox church of its kind located in Vilnius. The temple was named after the Descent of the Apostles of the Holy Spirit and is the most important monument of architecture and history of Lithuania. It is located not far from the Ostroy Brama in the Old Town. The holy temple contains the incorruptible relics of the great martyrs Eustathius, John and Anthony.
As you know, in 1596 the Brest Union was concluded, which assumed the unification of Poland and Lithuania into a single state. Difficult times came for Orthodox believers - all churches in Vilna were closed, and the Holy Trinity Monastery passed into the hands of the Uniates.
In this situation, the people fiercely fought for the return of the Orthodox Church. Receiving constant refusals, the believers did not give up, and in 1597 permission was obtained from Sigismund III to build a new Orthodox church opposite the Holy Trinity Monastery. The church was erected on land that belonged to Dorothea-Anna and Theodora, and later it was transferred to the property of the Holy Trinity Brotherhood. Since that time, the brotherhood began to bear the name of the Holy Spirit, and a printing house, an almshouse and a school were attached to the temple. It was this temple that became the representative of the Orthodox faith in Vilna.
The school built at the temple consisted of several classes. The Slovenian Grammar and Dictionary were published especially for students. It was for them that more than one thousand people studied, and the fact that Mikhail Lomonosov studied at the school is considered the special pride of the temple.
In 1634, King Vladislav