Description of the attraction
On the outskirts of the village of Uzhin, which is located near the village of Novostroitsa, on the banks of the river channel connecting Lake Golova and Lake Uzhin, there is the most important and special attraction of the village - the Tekunok or Tekunets spring. The spring is located on the left before the entrance to Dinner from the side of the village of Roshchino. The famous chapel was built on the Tekunok spring and is dedicated to the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. With the support of the Valdai National Reserve, a bathhouse was also built, and the spring itself is decorated with beautiful decorative patterns. In the summer season, services are held here by the hieromonks of the Valdai Iversky Monastery.
Spring springs have long been especially revered in Russia. Living on the edge of rivers and lakes, swamps and streams, people have developed a considerable complex of religious worship of water. The student springs endowed our ancestors with great, special power, treating them with special reverence and reverence. It was from this time that there was a custom of courting and clearing various kinds of keys, drinking healing spring water and performing ablutions in it.
It is believed that the water from the spring is curative and contains silver ions. During the Great Patriotic War, water from the spring was used for the needs of front-line hospitals in the city of Valdai. As noted, not so long ago, a chapel and a font were built, which in 2006 on July 16 were illuminated in the name of the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God. Vladyka the Lion, the archbishops of Old Russian and Novgorod, held the liturgical rite. Before starting the divine service, Vladyka Leo stressed more than once that the healing spring was being arranged by the whole world, and he sincerely thanked for the work of those people who took part in this holy and noble cause.
The famous Tekunok spring is located almost immediately behind the road, so it is often visited not only by local residents, but also by numerous guests of the region. The appearance and arrangement of the spring was carried out literally "along a string", so numerous visitors should be grateful to all those people who took a direct part in this important matter. People can come here at any time to pray. In addition, you can take a bath in a special bath and sprinkle yourself with holy water, which will help get rid of various kinds of ailments, restore not only physical, but also spiritual strength. Water is considered curative also because it contains a huge amount of chemical elements. Locals claim that spring water cures a wide variety of eye diseases. Not only residents of nearby settlements, but also tourists and vacationers never pass by the holy place. They collect water in different containers, wash themselves with it and firmly believe in the miraculous and life-giving properties of the spring. The spring water is actually amazingly pure and incredibly healing.
Most local historians know that the formation zone of the Tekunok spring was interbedded finite moraine deposits of clay, sandy loam, loam and sand containing interlayers of sand and gravel deposits. Healing water was used not only during the Patriotic War. The famous spring also had more difficult days. During the immoral mockery of the shrines of the anti-religious communists, the church in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village of Novostroitsa was closed. At the same time, the iconostasis was completely distorted and damaged, the spring column, made of age-old wood, along with the icon and icon case, was crushed with a tractor. The spring was completely filled up. But having overcome all the difficult obstacles on its way, Tekunok, as in the past, aspires with an endless and powerful stream from a steep slope to the beautiful Lake Golova, which is connected by a stream with Lake Uzhinskoye.