Miracle Lake description and photos - Dominica

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Miracle Lake description and photos - Dominica
Miracle Lake description and photos - Dominica

Video: Miracle Lake description and photos - Dominica

Video: Miracle Lake description and photos - Dominica
Video: Family exhumes grandma after 10 years, shocked by her appearance #shorts | New York Post 2024, June
Wonderful lake
Wonderful lake

Description of the attraction

The name Miracle Lake means Miracle Lake, which, like the valley in which it is located, is one of the new wonders of nature in Dominica. The local population calls the lake Holy, because it arose quite recently - in 1997 on Sunday and was created for 7 days.

There was a plateau at this place, but during heavy rains, a collapse occurred, as a result of which 3 reservoirs were formed, which blocked the tributary of the Lajo River. Two of them then broke through, and the upper basin formed a new magnificent lake. It is quite large and far exceeds the surface of Lake Boyri and Lake Fresh, reaching 140 pounds deep.

It can only be observed from above - scientists consider it dangerous to go down to it, tk. the scientists who observed it are unsure of the stability of the area. But on the other hand, standing on the top of the mountain from a height opens a stunning view of the Wonderful Lake with emerald water.

Both the valley and the lake are the private domains of Christborn Shillingford, and it was his owner who gave the name to the lake, officially this place is called Mathieu Dam. Previously, the owner's plantations were located on the site of this lake. You can try to negotiate with the owner so that he gives you consent to visit the lake, and arrange a tour of these places, because you cannot go down to the lake without his permission.

