Description of the attraction
Lake Inya was formerly called Lake Victoria after the British Queen who ruled at the time it was founded. This body of water is the largest lake in Yangon, a popular recreational urban area and a playground for romantic boat trips. It is located 10 km north of Yangon city center. From the north it is bounded by the Parami road, from the west - by Pia street, from the south-west - by the Inya highway, from the south - by the University alley and, finally, from the east - by the Pagoda Kaba Aye street.
Inya Lake is an artificial reservoir created by the British in 1882-1883 to collect moisture from the north of Yangon during the rainy season and provide the city with drinking water. The lake was formed by the construction of small barriers between several hills. Surplus water from Lake Inya flows into another lake in Yangon - Kandawgi, which is located closer to the river.
With the exception of a large public park on the southwestern shore of the lake, which is adjacent to the University of Yangon, all the rest of the land around this reservoir is privately owned and is considered the most expensive in all of Myanmar. Among the mansions towering on the embankments of Lake Inya are the residences of the politician Do Aung San Suu Kyi, the former Prime Minister of the country, Ne Win, and the US Embassy.
Yangon Sailing Club is located on the shores of this lake. Many sportsmen and amateurs go swimming, sailing and rowing here.
Public access to the lake is from Cabo Aye Pagoda Street and from the Inya and Piyi embankments near Yangon University. It takes about 2 hours to go around the lake on foot.