Aqueducts description and photos - Crimea: Sevastopol

Aqueducts description and photos - Crimea: Sevastopol
Aqueducts description and photos - Crimea: Sevastopol

Description of the attraction

In order to provide the docks with water, the construction of a water conduit began, which began from the sources of the river called Black and ended with the docks of the Admiralty. The water conduit was laid over rough terrain. He went through the rocks. They were cut by hand to build the three tunnels that still function today. These works involved the forces of sailors, soldiers and prisoners serving time. In addition to the tunnels, aqueducts were erected. The aqueduct is a bridge-like structure with water conduits. They served to overcome gullies, gullies or water obstacles. For all the time, five multi-arch aqueducts have been erected: Chorgunsky, Inkerman, Kilenbalkochny, in Apollonova and Ushakova beams. A total of 38 stone arches were built. Some of them have survived to this day.

Until now, an aqueduct has been preserved, which is located on the southern side of the Northern Bay. In the forties of the 19th century, a multi-arch bridge was built, which connected the sides of the beam. This bridge was built on the initiative of Lazarev, who was then an admiral. After his death, the water conduit was nicknamed Lazarevsky.

The Lazarev aqueduct was built according to the only project of John Upton, who served as an engineer-colonel. In addition to the aqueduct project, he created the project of the Tower of the Winds, and according to his design, the Grafskaya pier in Sevastopol was built. The construction was completed a year before the start of the defense of Sevastopol, in 1853.

An aqueduct has been preserved, which is located at the beginning of the Inkerman Valley. The length of this aqueduct is 18 kilometers. It was built in the spirit of classicism. The forms of this structure are similar to those of Ancient Rome. The aqueduct is built of Inkerman stone, which is well worked. This wonderful building has two sections. The first section is ten-span. Its location is in the Apollo Gully. Its length is 60 meters. The location of the second site is in Ushakova gully. It is seven-span and its length is up to 30 meters. The aqueduct is a wonderful architectural structure, which is admired not only by artists and photographers, but also by ordinary tourists.

