Picture gallery description and photo - Crimea: Kerch

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Picture gallery description and photo - Crimea: Kerch
Picture gallery description and photo - Crimea: Kerch

Video: Picture gallery description and photo - Crimea: Kerch

Video: Picture gallery description and photo - Crimea: Kerch
Video: Satellite images show Crimea bridge before and after explosion 2024, June
Picture gallery
Picture gallery

Description of the attraction

The picture gallery, created on the basis of the Kerch Historical and Cultural Reserve, is one of the most interesting places in the city. The gallery is located in the very heart of Kerch, at the foot of the mountain, in a beautiful two-storey building made in the classicism style, which is part of the architectural ensemble of the Great Mithridatskaya Staircase.

For its guests, the museum exposition reveals the most important moments from the life of the city in the brightest and deepest colors. The museum collected objects of culture and art of Kerch, ranging from antiquity to the present. Thanks to this, you can find out how one of the oldest cities in the world lived and breathed for twenty-six centuries.

One of the founders of the gallery was the famous artist N. But, who presented the then Kerch Historical and Archaeological Museum with a cycle of his works “Adzhimushkai. 1942 ", dedicated to the heroic defense of the city during the Second World War. This cycle includes more than 150 works by the artist. Since 1968, the cycle has become a permanent exhibition in one of the halls of the Historical and Archaeological Museum, and then served as the basis of an art gallery opened in 1985. Now the cycle “Adzhimushkai. 1942 " N. Buta continues to be one of the main expositions of the museum.

Over time, the Kerch Picture Gallery continued to grow, presenting new interesting exhibitions to its visitors. Today, another permanent exhibition of the gallery is the "Antique Monuments of Kerch" exposition, which offers to admire archaeological finds dating back more than a thousand years - sculpture, glassware, painted vases, terracotta and other exhibits.

The gallery's own collection of paintings contains more than 2 thousand items. Of great interest among tourists are such unique exhibits as a diorama of the ancient attraction of Kerch - the Church of John the Baptist, a copy of the 12th century mosaic. "Christ Pantokrator", donated to M. Gorbachev in 1986 by Pope John Paul II, as well as many other objects of art.

