Jerne Kirke church description and photos - Denmark: Esbjerg

Jerne Kirke church description and photos - Denmark: Esbjerg
Jerne Kirke church description and photos - Denmark: Esbjerg
Church of Jerne
Church of Jerne

Description of the attraction

Jerne Church is located two kilometers from the main railway station in Esbjerg. This ancient church was previously the religious center of a medieval village, and then became part of the city itself, founded in 1868.

The church was originally dedicated to Saint Martin. It was built at the beginning of the 12th century and initially consisted only of the nave and choirs. The building is made of granite, while the original stonework stands out for its light color, while the darker stones were added much later, during the restoration in 1891.

The bell tower appeared in 1460, but in the same 1891 it was completely rebuilt - and this time from red brick. The sacristy was added even later - in 1740 and at first functioned as a funeral chapel. Its first level is built of dark granite, while the upper level is finished with red brick. The entire architectural complex is covered with a steep roof with slopes.

After the Reformation of the 16th century, the city became Protestant. At the moment, the church of Jerne is Lutheran, which is why it has lost its original name. Also in this regard, the walls of the building were completely whitewashed, during which unique ancient frescoes were lost. In 1891, fragments of this painting were discovered, depicting only floral ornaments. It is not possible to restore them completely. It is believed that the frescoes were painted in the 16th century, on the eve of the Reformation.

The choir room was completed only in 1460-1500, at the same time graceful vaulted ceilings were completed. The main altar of the church was made in 1653 in the Baroque style. It depicts scenes of Baptism, the Last Supper and the Passion of Christ, and the Crucifixion crowns this group.

The most ancient detail of the interior of the church is the baptismal font, completed simultaneously with the construction of the church. The pulpit is a late Gothic masterpiece and dates back to 1550. Even in the cathedral itself and in the churchyard, many old tombstones dating back to the 18th century have been preserved.

