Lindulovskaya grove description and photo - Russia - Leningrad region: Vyborgsky district

Lindulovskaya grove description and photo - Russia - Leningrad region: Vyborgsky district
Lindulovskaya grove description and photo - Russia - Leningrad region: Vyborgsky district
Lindulovskaya grove
Lindulovskaya grove

Description of the attraction

Lindulovskaya Roscha is a botanical nature reserve, which is located in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region, near the village of Roshchino. Occupying an area of almost 1000 hectares, the reserve stretches along both banks of the Roshchinka River, on two sides of the road from Roshchino to Sosnovaya Polyana.

The State Natural Botanical Sanctuary was established by the decision of the Leningrad Regional Executive Committee in 1976. The main purpose of creating the sanctuary is to preserve the oldest artificial plantation of the unique culture of Siberian larch Larix sibirica Ledeb in Russia, located outside the boundaries of its range in the valley of the Roshinka River (formerly called Lintulovka), as well as a natural complex of the river valley with rare species of animals and plants.

The beginning of the Lindulovskaya Grove was laid back in 1738 according to an earlier issued decree of Peter I on the cultivation of ship wood here for the shipyard in Kronstadt. The first sowing of larch seeds, collected near Arkhangelsk, was made by the forstmaster of Her Imperial Majesty, forest expert Ferdinand Gabriel Fokel in 1738. He was helped by his students: Ivan Kipriyanov, Matvey Alshansky, Fedot Starostin, Peter Pavlov. The first site was created by Fokel himself in the spring of 1738. The rest of the grove was created by his students.

In 1856, a reserve regime was established in the Lindulovskaya Grove, and in 1990 the larch grove was included in the list of objects protected by UNESCO.

Lindulovskaya Roscha is the pearl of the Russian forestry business, representing the unique and oldest cultures of larch, both in Russia and in Europe. Here grow: Daurian, Siberian larch, Sukachev larch. For more than 200 years, the grove has been an experimental and educational facility for several generations of foresters.

In addition to larch, pine, spruce, cedar, fir, oak, ash, elm, alder grow in the grove. Old cultures have survived mainly in one sector on an area of 23.5 hectares. They number more than 4 thousand trees with a height of 38 to 42 m and a trunk diameter of 0.49 to 0.52 m (at chest level). Individual larches have a girth of up to 1 m.

Lindulovskaya Grove was badly damaged by the sweeping here in 1824, 1924, 1925. hurricanes, as well as during the hostilities of 1939-1945. The main plantings of larch were carried out in 1738-1742, 1740-1773, 1805-1822, 1924-1940. and from 1940 to the present.

The area of the reserve is also occupied by spruce, bilberry and blueberry-sphagnum forests, which occupy the watershed areas. On the slopes and in the valley of the river, there are sorrel spruce forests with rich forbs: stellate, lily of the valley, snow, etc., in some places elm, linden, hazel, maple grow.

The fauna of the Lindulovsky Reserve is typical for spruce forests. Background bird species are yellow-headed beetle, siskin, songbird, chaffinch, redbird, wren, robin, etc. There are also gall, great spotted woodpecker, accentor, chiffchaff. Among mammals, the bank vole, small and common shrews, squirrels, and blue hares live in these places. In the old larch plantations, in addition to the named species, the long-tailed owl, the sparrowhawk, the nuthatch, the pika, the puffin, the crested tit, and the creeper also nest. On the banks of the Roshinka and the streams flowing into it, you can find a black polecat, and occasionally a European mink. On Roshinka there are spawning grounds for migratory trout of the Gulf of Finland, as well as feeding grounds for their fry, spawning grounds for lamprey and ide. There are also rare natural biotopes with the European pearl mussel - a bivalve mollusk included in the Red Book.

It is prohibited in the grove: fishing and hunting, making fires, picking mushrooms, berries, ornamental and medicinal plants, etc. The reserve can only be visited by organized groups.

For many years, the Lindulovo plantations have been the objects of studying the development of unique forest cultures, technologies for caring for them, methods of reforestation and plant exploitation. Students of higher educational institutions undergo practical training in the reserve, as well as specialists of forestry improve their qualifications.


| All reviews 5 Boris 2017-01-09 12:50:30

The beauty of the Lindulovskaya grove in mid-August 2017 We visited the Lindulovskaya grove in mid-August 2017. I liked that the grove was being watched over time. Since the last visit, we were pleasantly surprised by the steps made to climb the mountain, where the tourist route diverges from the Roshchinka River and the further path goes through the forest. Here's our short video …

