Description of the attraction
The Museum of the History of Kronstadt began its work in 1991. But since the beginning of the 70s. In the 20th century, local ethnographers raised the issue of organizing a museum in the city of Kronstadt, which would tell about the history of the city's appearance on Kotlin Island and its further development: the construction of a fortress, the development of the fleet, the formation of urban areas, the people inhabiting these places, the peculiarities of their life and life. After the war, a museum with a similar name was already created in Kronstadt, but later it received the status of a branch of the Central Naval Museum, so its exposition began to wear a slightly different focus.
In the late 80s. in the local press, there were tireless discussions about what should be a museum of the history of the city: local history or historical, what should be the theme of its exposition. On April 15, 1991, by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council, a local history museum was created in Kronstadt. Its founder was the department of culture of the Kronstadt region.
But the museum did not have its own exhibition space. Its employees were housed in the building of the Central City Library. By decision of the Leningrad City Executive Committee, the museum was to be allocated a building on Yulskaya Street (currently Petrovskaya Street). Now this building houses the A. S. Popov Museum-Cabinet. But then this building was still assigned to the military unit, and the museum continued to exist without its premises. He moved from one building to another more than once: his exposition was located in the building of the Basic Sailor's Club, and in the former gymnasium, and in the building of the water tower.
The basis of the museum funds was formed by documents concerning the history of the emergence and development of the city, collected by Yu. I. Spiridonov, V. S. Sergeev, L. I. Tokareva, T. N. Lapina, items brought to the museum by residents of the city. Thanks to this, the museum can rightfully be called a folk museum. Today, there are more than 6 thousand storage units in its funds. Among them are many unique documents and items that tell about Kronstadt and its inhabitants.
Currently, the museum is located on Leningradskaya Street (house 2). New exhibitions are constantly opening here, active research work is underway, thematic and sightseeing tours, cultural and educational events are held.
In 2002, the museum was renamed the Historical Architectural and Art Museum of the city of Kronstadt. But in 2009 the Kronstadt local history club decided to return the museum its first name - the Museum of the History of Kronstadt.
The museum of the history of the city also includes the tourist information center and the memorial radio station of A. S. Popov. Kronstadt attracts tourists with its unusual history, monuments, architecture, ships in the Middle Harbor, abandoned forts, beautiful views and cannons on the banks of the Italian Pond.
The staff of the tourist information center are always happy to help tourists find their way around the city. It is located in an old building on Martynov Street (house 1/33). At the entrance to the center there are two cannons, and behind the high windows is a map of the city. Inside the building there is a neat office selling postcards and booklets with views of Kronstadt, various souvenirs. There is an aquarium on the left side of the entrance, where you can see models of sunken ships. And this is no coincidence - the plans of the Historical Museum include the organization of the Museum of Shipwrecks.
Initially, the tourist information center was organized as a way to develop tourism in the city by looking for new and expanding existing ties in Russia and abroad. But the task set for the center is complicated by such factors as the low level of development of tourism infrastructure in the city (lack of good hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc.). Therefore, the main activity of the center is currently reduced to information support for tourism in Kronstadt.
The center organizes excursions around Kronstadt and St. Petersburg, its famous suburbs, walks along the sea to the forts of Kronstadt. The tourist information center also plans to provide free information services to residents of the city and its guests on the historical sites of Kronstadt and St. Petersburg.
The director of the center is Alexander Ivanovich Eskov, a local historian and publicist, a man who loves Kronstadt and cares about its history.
Description added:
Information and Cultural Center of Kronstadt 2014-15-12
In autumn, the Museum of the History of Kronstadt opened a new building located at 2A, Yakornaya Square. The museum will tell you about the 310-year history of Kronstadt: about the construction of forts and city buildings, about the life of sailors and townspeople, about the traditions that existed and are preserved in the fortified city. Special attention
Show full text In autumn, the Museum of the History of Kronstadt opened a new building located at 2A, Yakornaya Square. The museum will tell you about the 310-year history of Kronstadt: about the construction of forts and city buildings, about the life of sailors and townspeople, about the traditions that existed and are preserved in the fortified city. Special attention in the new exhibition is given to the tragic events of the early 20th century. The historical reconstruction of the blockade room conveys the tragedy of Leningrad and Kronstadt during the Great Patriotic War, and authentic objects and photographs tell about the heroic deed of the city of Military Glory. For the first time, a detailed story about the life of post-war Kronstadt appeared in the museum's exposition.
In an old building located on st. Leningradskaya, 2, now there is an exposition of underwater archeology, which tells about the history of shipwrecks.
Director of the Museum of the History of Kronstadt - Grishko Evgeny Grigorievich.
The subdivision of the museum is the Information and Cultural Center (formerly the Tourist Information Center), detailed information about the museum, the information and cultural center on our website - www.visitkronshtadt.ru
Please correct the outdated information.
Sincerely, ICC staff
Information and cultural center of Kronstadt
197760, St. Petersburg, Kronshtadt, st. Martynova, 1/33
tel./fax. 311-91-34
e-mail: [email protected]
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