House-Museum of A.I. Herzen description and photo - Russia - Moscow: Moscow

House-Museum of A.I. Herzen description and photo - Russia - Moscow: Moscow
House-Museum of A.I. Herzen description and photo - Russia - Moscow: Moscow
House-Museum of A. I. Herzen
House-Museum of A. I. Herzen

Description of the attraction

The house-museum of A. I. Herzen is located in the center of the city, in the Arbat lane Sivtsev Vrazhek. This is the only museum of Alexander Ivanovich Herzen in Russia. The Herzen Museum is a branch of the State Literary Museum.

In house number 27 A. I. Herzen lived from 1843 to 1847. The museum was opened in this house in 1976. The literary exposition reflects the creative path of the Russian writer, philosopher and publicist. The recreated interiors accurately convey the atmosphere in the Herzen house. On the walls there are portraits of all family members, Herzen himself, his close entourage, as well as picturesque landscapes of Russian and foreign places where Herzen visited. Books with autographs of Herzen and manuscripts are also kept here. The exhibition displays personal belongings of A. I. Herzen, N. P. Ogarev and their contemporaries. Many items were donated to the museum by Herzen's relatives.

A. I. Herzen was born into a noble family and received a typical noble upbringing at home. It was based on reading foreign literature from the late 18th century. French novels, comedies by Beaumarchais, the works of Goethe and Schiller gave his character romanticism and sentimentality. The governors - French and Germans - taught foreign languages. As a child, Herzen made friends with Nikolai Ogarev. Impressed by the uprising of the Decembrists, the boys had a dream of revolutionary work. Once, walking on Sparrow Hills, the guys took an oath to fight for freedom.

From 1829 to 1833 Herzen studied at the Moscow University, in the physics and mathematics department. During this time, he was fond of utopian socialism, which he considered an achievement of modern Western philosophy. Already in 1830, Herzen wrote a philosophical article dedicated to Schiller. In 1834, Herzen was sent into exile, to Perm, and then to Vyatka. There he served in the Governor's Office. In 1840 he returned to Moscow. In 1847, Herzen emigrated to France.

The mansion where Herzen lived in Moscow was built in the 1820s and later rebuilt. The mansion is designed in the Empire style. The house has a mezzanine with three windows. The mansion is a monument of history and architecture. It is typical for the post-Napoleonic times of the Arbat district. All historical buildings of Sivtseva Vrazhka have been lost. The mansion was preserved due to the fact that A. I. Herzen lived in it.

