Description of the attraction
Alexandrovsky Garden is a park located in the center of Moscow near the walls of the Kremlin. The area of the park is 10 hectares.
The park near the Kremlin walls appeared in accordance with the plan for the restoration of Moscow after the fires of 1812. According to the project of the architect Bove, it was decided to split the park in the place where the Neglinka River used to flow. By that time, Neglinka had already been removed underground. The work was started by decree of Emperor Alexander I and went from 1820 to 1823.
The park consisted of three gardens: Upper, Middle and Lower. The original name of the gardens is "Kremlin". The name of the Alexander Garden began in 1856. The division into three parts is still clearly visible. The Upper Garden starts from the corner Arsenal Tower and ends at the Trinity Bridge, which is located next to the Kutafya Tower, the length of this part is 350 meters. The middle garden is located between the Troitskaya and Borovitskaya towers, its length is 382 meters. Lower Garden - completes the Alexander Garden and has a length of 132 meters.
There are many cultural and historical sites in the Alexander Garden. The famous "Ruins" grotto is located in the Upper Garden. This is a monument - a memorial reminiscent of the war with Napoleon's army in 1812. The walls of the grotto's wings are lined with stone fragments of Moscow buildings destroyed by Napoleon.
The memorial value of the Upper Garden is emphasized by the gate, cast from cast iron according to the drawings of the architect Pascal. They are decorated with symbols of military triumph. These gates are the main entrance to the Alexander Garden and are located from the side of the Historical Museum and the Kremlin passage.
At the main entrance to the Alexander Garden in July 1914, an obelisk dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanovs was opened - the Romanov Obelisk. After the revolution in 1918, the names of the Romanov family were replaced by the names of heroes - revolutionaries and socialist thinkers, and the tsarist symbols of power and the coats of arms of the Russian provinces were removed. In 1966, the monument was moved to the center of the Upper Garden, where it now stands.
At the main entrance to the Alexander Garden there is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with the symbolic Eternal Flame. A little to the south there are memorial structures dedicated to the hero cities. In May 2010, a memorial stele to the cities of military glory was unveiled here.
In the Middle Garden there are ticket offices of museums located in the Moscow Kremlin. Last of all, in 1823, the Lower Garden was opened. There are no walkways in it. Nowadays, the Lower Garden is closed to tourists and visitors.
In 1872, temporary pavilions were installed in the Alexander Garden for a polytechnic exhibition.
The Alexandrovsky Garden is an indisputable landmark in the center of Moscow. He was repeatedly mentioned in their literary works by such writers as Bulgakov, Akunin, Pimanov and many others.