Quan Thanh Temple description and photos - Vietnam: Hanoi

Quan Thanh Temple description and photos - Vietnam: Hanoi
Quan Thanh Temple description and photos - Vietnam: Hanoi
Quan Thanh Temple
Quan Thanh Temple

Description of the attraction

The Quan Thanh Temple is one of the four temples in Hanoi that have protected the city from various misfortunes since ancient times. Located on the way to Tran Quoc Pagoda.

The temple was built on the shores of West Lake at the beginning of the 11th century. According to legend, a certain ghost prevented the ancient ruler An Duong Vyong from building a defensive fortress. He was helped by the guardian of the north, Saint Chang Wu, who delivered the emperor from the evil spirit. In gratitude, the ruler ordered to build a temple dedicated to Chang Wu - at the northern gate of the ancient capital. A huge bronze statue of the magnanimous saint became the main exhibit of the temple. Cast in 1677, weighing over three and a half tons, it was recognized in Hanoi as the standard of casting. The four-meter Chang Wu is depicted barefoot, holding a sword. A small stone monument to the creator of the statue, Chang Wu, was erected in the temple by his disciples. Among the other exhibits of the temple, it is worth noting the numerous manuscript poetic works of the 17th century.

One of the most ancient temples in the city, Quan Thanh has been rebuilt several times. At the end of the 19th century, the temple was completely reconstructed, supplemented with triple gates with a courtyard, thanks to which the temple turned out to be classic - multi-courtyard. At the same time, two additional sacred halls were built - the front and the central one. Since then, the appearance of the temple has remained unchanged.

Despite its historical value, the temple looks modest but cozy. In the courtyard, you can relax in the shade of age-old trees; triple gates protect from the noise of the roadway.

