Resurrection Church description and photos - Russia - North-West: Kargopol

Resurrection Church description and photos - Russia - North-West: Kargopol
Resurrection Church description and photos - Russia - North-West: Kargopol
Resurrection Church
Resurrection Church

Description of the attraction

The Resurrection Church is a five-domed Orthodox church located in the city of Kargopol, which is located in the Arkhangelsk region. There was a miraculous icon of St. Nicholas in the church.

The Church of the Resurrection of Christ is located near the ramparts, on a small square. This church is very beautiful. This church stands out among the temples of Kargopol. The reason for this is her individuality, originality and amazing picturesqueness. The Voskresenskaya Church is the only church in the city where the ceilings along the zakomars have been preserved. The church has massive drums and, at the same time, finely selected contours of the chapters. According to researchers, this church is the most integral temple. The church, one might say, is floating in the air. Epic power is felt in her appearance.

The exact date of the construction of the Resurrection Church has not yet been established. Signs of hoary antiquity are visible in its forms. The volumetric-spatial solution is typical for churches of the 16th century with their classicism and monumentality, but the splendor of the decorative details is characteristic of the 17th century. Resurrection Church in 1614-1615 mentioned in the Scripture Book.

The exit to the church was from the gate of one of the towers of the Kargopol fortress. At that time, the church was built of wood, and at the end of the 17th century it was rebuilt from stone. This time was the heyday of white-stone architecture in a city called Kargopol. The walls of the church are lined with hewn limestone. Brick was also used in the construction of the Resurrection Church. The stone patterns on the windows are not repeated; as a rule, they were made by different craftsmen. Other fragments of the temple also attract attention: curbs, cornices, pilasters.

The close location of the domes of the Resurrection Church determines the similarity with the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin, which is a sign of the influence of Moscow culture.

The Resurrection Church is cold, has one floor, the interior amazes with its size, lightness and height, inherent in a summer church. An unforgettable impression is made by powerful pillars, as well as large windows that flood the room with light.

In the Resurrection Church there is a room hidden from the eyes of the parishioners, which is located behind the iconostasis above the altar part. According to some reports, there was an intra-wall passage in the southern wall of the temple, which was filled up after a fire that happened in 1765. The Resurrection Church was restored in 1788. With funds provided by the merchant Andrey Alekseevich Veshnyakov, the iconostasis was made and gilded. Also, at the expense of the merchant Veshnyakov, a stone bell tower was built in the Resurrection parish in 1798. There were six bells on the bell tower, the largest bell was cast in the city of Kargopol and weighed 107 pounds.

For all the years of its existence, up to the time when the church was no longer used for its intended purpose, it was maintained in a "splendid" condition. From a large number of written sources from the 19th century, it can be seen that the temple was regularly renovated in most cases with funds provided by wealthy citizens. Any malfunction and damage in the pillars of the porch, in the covering of the chapters, in the foundation, in the whitewashing of the walls were quickly eliminated, and the temple was practically renovated, and the renovation, judging by the photographic materials from the archives, did not suffer from a lack of taste.

For many reasons, today the Resurrection Church is in a difficult technical condition and that is why it needs special attention and care of the residents of Kargopol.

