Ruins of the Helena Basilica of St. Elijah description and photos - Bulgaria: Sofia

Ruins of the Helena Basilica of St. Elijah description and photos - Bulgaria: Sofia
Ruins of the Helena Basilica of St. Elijah description and photos - Bulgaria: Sofia
Ruins of St. Elijah's Helena Basilica
Ruins of St. Elijah's Helena Basilica

Description of the attraction

The Elena Basilica is an early Christian architectural monument, the construction of which is attributed to the late 5th - early 6th centuries. The church operated until the beginning of the 18th century. The ruins are located three and a half kilometers from the town of Pirdop in the Jelensko area. The object is included in the list of cultural monuments protected by UNESCO. Nearby are the ruins of the ancient Thracian city of Burdap.

The Elena Basilica is also called the Monastery of St. Elijah and the Helen Monastery. According to the architectural plan, it represents a fortified temple. The church itself is located on the eastern side of a small courtyard, which is fenced in by fortress walls, fortified with four quadrangular towers. The construction of a defense system was associated with the threat of massive attacks by the Slavs.

During the era of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom, the Yelensky Monastery became a major cultural and spiritual center. The famous Pirdop apostle belongs to this era, the date of creation of which researchers call the 13th century. A legend is associated with it that the monument was hidden in the niche of the Helen Church, and was discovered only in the 19th century.

Local scientists-archaeologists carried out research at the end of the 19th century, but they were carried out incompetently, which became the reason for the repeated study of the monument in 1913. Professor P. Mutafchiev worked on the excavations, who discovered this monument in its present form. Subsequently, restoration and conservation work was carried out here, the ruins are now in a satisfactory condition and are open to the public, however, the fortress wall that encloses the basilica is gradually collapsing.

