Sea in Nha Trang

Sea in Nha Trang
Sea in Nha Trang
photo: Sea in Nha Trang
photo: Sea in Nha Trang
  • The sea off the coast of Vietnam
  • Nha Trang beaches
  • Safety on the beaches of Nha Trang

Vietnam has long been considered one of the hottest Asian holiday destinations. The famous Vietnamese resort of Nha Trang, formerly a simple fishing village, began to turn into a fashionable place for taking sea baths during Indochina times.

Nha Trang is washed by the South China Sea, which can be called part of two oceans - the Indian and the Pacific. The sea in Nha Trang is one of the local attractions. People come here throughout the year from different parts of the Earth, because the South China Sea warms up well and is suitable for swimming in winter and summer.

The sea off the coast of Vietnam


Nha Trang offers its guests wide and long beaches, moderately salty sea, amazingly beautiful bays, embankments lined with palm trees, coral reefs with various inhabitants, which are so interesting to watch.

It is difficult to single out the high season in Nha Trang. The climate here is such that the temperature of the air and water allows you to enjoy the sun and the sea at any time. In winter, the water temperature near the coast fluctuates around 18-20 degrees, in summer it rises to 27 degrees.

The low season, during which, nevertheless, the number of tourists at the resort does not decrease, can be called the period from late September to early January. At this time, rains come to Nha Trang, piercing winds and sometimes typhoons. The sea at this time is not calm. Strong waves rise on it, which can interfere with swimming. With waves from the depths, sand rises, so the water is no longer transparent and takes on a brownish tint. It is interesting that until 11 am during this period the water will be clear and only then will it become cloudy. Therefore, in the morning hours of late autumn and early winter, especially a lot of people gather on the beaches of Nha Trang.

Nha Trang beaches

Three local beaches are recognized as some of the best in Vietnam. They all belong to the city, so they are free for everyone. In the vicinity of major hotels you can find parasols and sun loungers rented at a reasonable price. Luxury hotels marked with five stars have their own beaches in Nha Trang, where guests of other hotels are not allowed.

There are several famous beaches outside the city:

  • Jungle, near which there is only one hotel. This beach can be called secluded. It is reliably protected from strong winds by high hills and hidden from immodest eyes by lush vegetation;
  • Bai Dai. This 15 km long light yellow sand beach is located about 30 km from Nha Trang. It is great for families with little ones, as the sea is not deep near the coast. There are sometimes high waves here, which is used by local surfers;
  • Zoklet is a 6 km long beach that can be found 50 km from the city. Not all sections of the beach are suitable for taking sea baths. Only its central part is cleared of debris. It is owned by two hotels that keep the sand clean. They also charge a fee for visiting Zokletos. The sea near the coast does not differ in depth, so people often come here with small children.

Safety on the beaches of Nha Trang

Vacationers on the beaches of the famous Vietnamese resort face several dangers. First of all, guests of Nha Trang should pay due attention to the colored flags that are installed on the beaches. If the recreation area is marked with a green flag, then there are no dangers in the form of strong waves and wind, and you can swim without fear for your life. If a red or black flag is posted on the beach, then you should not enter the water. Strong waves can knock even experienced swimmers off their feet and pull them deep.

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On the beaches of Nha Trang, well-warmed by the sun, there are small sand fleas, the bites of which are not fatal, but painful for humans. For faster healing, wounds after an insect bite should be smeared with Gentridecme cream or the popular Asterisk. You can avoid contact with sand fleas by adhering to a simple rule: bask in the sun, not on the sand, but on a sun lounger.

In the sea off the coast, there are jellyfish of various types. Box jellyfish are considered the most dangerous. Almost all Vietnamese swim in thin shirts and trousers to protect themselves from jellyfish. You can significantly reduce the risk of encountering jellyfish in the water by avoiding swimming during high tides. There are no other dangerous marine life off the coast.
