Almost every city in Italy can be called an open-air museum. Historical and architectural sights are here at every step. Rimini is one of the most popular cities in this country. Its visit can be recommended to everyone who is interested in history and architecture or just wants to get a lot of pleasant impressions. But what exactly to see in Rimini?
Top 10 attractions in Rimini
Tempio Malatestiano

Tempio Malatestiano
The temple was built in the XIII century and consecrated in honor of St. Francis. In the 15th century, the building was reconstructed by order of the ruler of the city of Sigismondo Malatesta, who decided to turn the temple into a mausoleum for himself and his family. Since the church actually became a monument to the power of the ruler of the city, it got a second name, by which it is widely known to this day.
The reconstruction of the building was carried out by Leon Alberti, the famous architect of the time. The intentions of the customer were truly grandiose, but they were not fully implemented. In the 60s of the 15th century, Malatesta was excommunicated. After that, the city was ruled by his wife Isotta. Currently, the building owner and his wife are buried in the chapels inside the temple. Their joint monogram adorns the walls of the church. Also, in one of the chapels inside the building, two more wives of Malatesta (the predecessor of Isotta) are buried.
Those contemporaries of the famous ruler of the city who treated him with hostility compared the church to a pagan sanctuary and argued that it was full of "blasphemous things." Today the temple is a cathedral and one of the main attractions of the city.
Tiberius bridge
Tiberius bridge
Built in the 1st century AD. Named in honor of Emperor Tiberius, since it was during his reign that it was completed. At the end of the 6th century, the bridge was almost completely destroyed by the Goths. It was restored only 11 centuries later. Today it is open not only for pedestrians, but also for vehicles, and is one of the main attractions of the city.
Castel Sismondo

Castel Sismondo
A castle built in the 15th century. Sigismondo Malatesta became its customer and partly the architect. At that time, the castle was outside the city limits, and its towers and cannons were facing the city. This suggests that the uprisings of the townspeople against the ruler were not uncommon. It is known that Malatesta was distinguished by extreme cruelty.
The thick walls that surrounded the castle could withstand a volley of firearms. In the 19th century, when the building was converted into a barracks for the carabinieri, these walls were demolished. Today the castle has become a cultural center: exhibitions are held here, concerts are organized.
Arch of August
Arch of August
One of the oldest arches in the country. Built in the 1st century BC. Once at the top of the arch there was an inscription stating that this building was dedicated to the Roman emperor. A sculpture was installed above the arch: an antique two-wheeled chariot drawn by four horses, driven by the emperor. This sculpture has not survived to this day. The arch facades are decorated with images of Roman gods.
During the Middle Ages, the arch was partially rebuilt: the sculpture that crowned it was replaced with a pommel with seven teeth. At that time, the arch was used as a gate in the walls built around the city. The remains of these walls can be seen in one of the city parks. Today, the ancient arch is one of the city's most visited attractions.
Place Cavour

Place Cavour
Several historical and architectural sights are concentrated on this square. Built in different eras, they are still harmoniously combined with each other:
- Palazzo del Arengo (early 13th century);
- Palazzo del Podesta palace (XIV century);
- a monument to Pope Paul V (early 17th century);
- Teatro Kommunale (XIX century);
- fountain "Bump" (mid-16th century).
Each of these sights is worthy of a close inspection, and a lot of interesting things can be told about each. For example, the "Bump" fountain built of white marble, according to some guides, was praised by Leonardo da Vinci himself. Before there was a water supply system in the city, it was this fountain that was the source of clean water for the townspeople. To this day, the water from it can be drunk, it has a pleasant taste. The fountain is built in the form of several ledges topped with a marble cone.
Surgeon's House
Surgeon's House
This landmark, which is the remains of an ancient building, is located in the northern part of the archaeological complex in Piazza Ferrari. The building was erected in the 2nd century.
In addition to vases and oil lamps, figurines and bronze utensils, about one and a half hundred surgical instruments were found here, and devices for the manufacture of medicines (several vessels, mortars, meryls) were also found. Apparently the owner of the house was practicing medicine. There was a special room in the building for receiving patients. There were also several bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a number of other rooms. Fragments of frescoes have been preserved on the walls, mosaics cover the floors and ceilings of the rooms.
Museum of views
Located in an 18th century building. This is a renovated villa, originally owned by Giovanni Alvarado. The most interesting museum exhibits here are the collections collected by missionary monks around the world in the 19th century. In the museum you can see many African masks and musical instruments, figurines of pagan deities, Aztec gold and silver jewelry, wood products made by the Mayan Indians …
One of the goals set by the founders of the museum was the following: to trace the gradual change in the views of Europeans on other cultures. The missionaries' first reaction to the art on display in the museum today was superstitious fear. Later, he was replaced by a calm scientific interest, which was replaced by admiration for the beauty and originality of these subjects.
On Wednesdays and Saturdays, tourists can visit the museum for free.
Grand Hotel

Grand Hotel
This city landmark became known all over the world thanks to the brilliant director Federico Fellini. Born into a poor family in Rimini, as a child, Federico stood for a long time at the fence of a luxury hotel and looked at its wealthy guests. The boy grew up, but did not forget his childhood dreams: the hotel of his hometown became famous all over the world, becoming the backdrop for many magnificent scenes shot by the famous filmmaker.
As an adult, the genius of cinematography himself repeatedly stayed at the hotel, all the time in the same room. Now fans of the great director often stay there. The room is truly luxurious. But the rest of the hotel rooms are in no way inferior to him: antique candelabra and furniture, rare bronze and porcelain create an exquisite atmosphere, but at the same time you will find all the most modern conveniences in the hotel.
The hotel has more than one and a half hundred rooms. The hotel is located by the sea, literally a short walk from the beach. Built at the beginning of the 20th century, today the hotel is recognized as an art monument and is protected by the state.
Aviation Museum
Aviation Museum
Located on a hill from which you can admire the picturesque meadows and vineyards. The museum displays aircraft that participated in many major military conflicts of the 20th century and even played an important role in them, as well as other exhibits related to aviation. For example, here is what a traveler can see here:
- US fighter-bombers;
- planes of Italy;
- mobile radars.
Among the exhibits of the museum are samples of military uniforms and artillery pieces, orders and medals. Benito Mussolini's military insignia are exhibited here.
Planes of celebrities occupy a special place in the museum. You will be able to visit the private jet in which the famous Marilyn Monroe once flew (as a passenger, of course).
In total, there are about fifty aircraft located on an area of 100 thousand square meters. m. The exposition was opened in the mid-90s of the XX century. The initiators of the creation of the museum, which has received worldwide fame today, were Italian military pilots and reserve officers. Their initiative was supported by the state.
The Aviation Museum is also a cultural center where various seminars and congresses are held (their topics are quite extensive).
The cost of visiting the museum is from 8 to 12 euros. His work schedule depends on the season.
Park "Italy in miniature"

Park "Italy in miniature"
In this amazing place, you can see all the main attractions of the country at once: here are their reduced copies. The park also houses similar copies of the most famous sights of Europe.
It will take a full day to fully explore this unusual park. Here you can not only see mini-copies of famous tourist sites, but also visit various attractions. Recently, a special section was opened in the park, where the visitor receives an original souvenir - a miniature copy of himself. The manufacturing process goes like this: a laser scanner creates a 3D model of this visitor, and then it is cast from nylon and aluminum powder.
There are many restaurants and cafes in the park. This is very convenient for those who decided to see all the wonders of this amazing place: you can recharge your strength after a long walk.
The cost of visiting the park is 23 euros. If you are going to visit it with children, then the entrance will cost 17 euros for them. And for those kids who are no more than a meter tall, the visit will be free.