An old Chinese legend tells that the inhabitants of a small village located on the site of Guangzhou were once saved from starvation by five gods. Descending from heaven on goats, the gods offered rice ears to the dying inhabitants. Many years have passed since then, but rice is still the most beloved and revered food in the now thriving Guangzhou. Being the third largest in the Middle Kingdom, the city receives thousands of tourists every day. Having retained its special flavor and oriental charm, the modern metropolis attracts with an abundance of attractions for both Europeans and Asians. Planning a trip and deciding what to see in Guangzhou? Get ready to walk a lot! On the banks of the Pearl River, you will find ancient temples and modern museums with interactive exhibitions, picturesque parks and shopping centers, observation decks and ancient quarters where the traditions of the tea ceremony are observed and the best Peking duck is cooked.
TOP 10 attractions in Guangzhou
Temple of the Five Spirits

The legend of the miraculous rescue of the inhabitants of a village located on the site of Guangzhou was embodied in an architectural ensemble built and decorated in accordance with Taoist traditions. The entrance to the temple is guarded by mythical animals in which lions are guessed. The interiors are decorated with wood carvings, gilded sculptural compositions and calligraphic inscriptions with ancient sayings of the sages.
The Temple of Five Spirits keeps a relic important for the residents of the city. On a piece of rock located in the courtyard, you will see the footprint of one of the savior spirits. In any case, the natural depression in the stone resembles a human footprint. The second attraction is the bell, cast during the reign of the Ming dynasty. The bell, two meters in diameter, has no tongue, and tradition says that its silence is a good sign. If he suddenly gives a voice, Guangzhou will have to prepare for disaster.
To get there: Guangzhou metro station Gongyuanqian.
Mausoleum of King Nanyue
King Zhaomei, who ruled the Nanyue principality in the II century. BC, during his lifetime he took care of a luxurious tomb. It was built at a depth of 20 meters, each stone of the interior decoration was decorated with skillful carvings, and after his death the ruler "took" with him a huge number of valuable items related to both Chinese and overseas cultures. But the main object of admiration of the geologists who discovered the tomb in 1983 was the funeral costume of Mr. Zhaomey. It consists of 2291 plates of jadeite stone, sacred to the Chinese. The components are held together by silk threads.
In addition to the magnificent shroud in the Nanyue mausoleum, you will see ceremonial bells made of bronze, several dozen mirrors, gold seals with which the king endorsed documents during his lifetime, silver boxes, ivory household items and furniture, silk screens, hand-painted, and much more.
The Nanyue Mausoleum occupies a rightful place in the first hundred of the best museum expositions on the planet.
To get there: metro L2, st. Yuexiu Park.
Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
The largest Christian building in the Middle Kingdom, the Church of the Sacred Heart was built in the second half of the 19th century. in full accordance with the classical canons of the neo-Gothic. Pointed towers, rosette windows, stained-glass windows that allow light to pour into the temple in colored streams, and snow-white columns resembling slender ship pines - all this is the result of 25 years of work of engineers and architects.
The facade of the temple resembles the Basilica of St. Clotilde in the capital of France. For its construction, granite was used, brought from the quarries of Hong Kong. In numbers, the temple also looks very impressive:
- The height of the bell towers of the cathedral is 53 m.
- The dimensions of the temple itself are 77x32 m, and the area of the internal space is almost 3 thousand square meters. m.
- On the sides of the side aisles there are 14 chapels, each of which is dedicated to its patron saint. The central nave rises 28 meters.
Unfortunately, the events of the Cultural Revolution in the era of the formation of the PRC did not spare the original stained glass windows and the clock on the western tower of the cathedral. Later they were replaced with copies, but this did not lose the temple's splendor.
To get there: metro L2 st. Haizhu Guangchang.
Embankment of the Pearl River
The third longest in the Middle Kingdom, the Pearl River is a favorite vacation spot for Guangzhou residents. Its embankment stretches for 23 km, each of which is full of attractions and entertainment.
On the banks of the river, you will see the Huangpu Military Academy, which is the first professional university in the history of the Middle Kingdom, and the Tianzi dock, where ships with important foreign guests who arrived in Guangzhou were moored.
From the embankment, you can go to Shamian Island, where many colonial mansions have been preserved. In the evening, boat cruises are organized along the embankment. Shuttles depart from several quays in Guangzhou.
Huaisheng Mosque

A city where all confessions coexist peacefully, Guangzhou is famous for another architectural monument of a religious nature. Built in the first third of the 7th century. Huaisheng Mosque is considered one of the oldest in the world. Legend has it that it was built by the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad, who was engaged in preaching work on the territory of the Celestial Empire.
Thanks to the 35-meter minaret, the mosque was named the Tower of Light. The minaret is the only thing that has remained unchanged since its construction. The building itself has repeatedly suffered from fires, but each time it was lovingly restored by Muslims.
Built by the Chinese, the mosque is not very much in line with classical Muslim canons. In its appearance, the features of local architectural buildings are more likely to be traced: a multi-tiered roof with ridge curved towards the sky, green tiles, windows made in the form of narrow horizontal slits. The orientation of the mosque from north to south also does not follow Muslim traditions, but, despite the originality of the building, only those who profess Islam are allowed to enter it.
In the courtyard, you can admire the bonsai trees and relax in the shade on the cozy benches.
To get there: metro L1, st. Ximenkou.
Guangxiao Temple
Its name is translated from Chinese as "Temple of Radiant Filial Piety." It is believed that it appeared earlier than the city itself, in any case, written evidence of its existence is dated at least to the 3rd century The Celestial Empire was ruled by the Han dynasty.
The most famous monk who lived in Guangxiao was Huineng. The great Sixth Master of Zen Buddhism, he is revered as one of the founders of this religious trend, and his sayings have long been included in popular books about Eastern wisdom.
The temple complex includes a pagoda, a main gate and three palaces. All buildings were built in full accordance with the traditions of Buddhist architecture adopted in China. You will find on the territory of the temple a statue of master Huinen, a bodhi tree under which one can enlightenment, two Iron Towers dating from the 10th century, and thousands of sculptures of Buddha. The age of the Main Palace of Mahivir is at least 1600 years. It contains three of the most valuable Buddha statues.
To get there: metro L1 st. Ximenkou.
Temple of the Six Banyan Trees
Another most important temple for the Chinese was founded in 537, when sacred Buddhist relics were brought to the Middle Kingdom from India. A new temple was called to place the treasures.
The first attention of tourists is attracted by the octahedral Flower Pagoda, towering 55 m above the temple complex. The graceful building is famous for its skillful carvings, which decorate its walls from the inside and outside. Above the pagoda is crowned with a five-ton copper rod.
The temple of the Six Banyan Trees was once served by the great Bodhidharma, who is considered the founding father of Zen Buddhism.
To get there: metro station Gongyuanqian.
Art Museum
If you are into contemporary art, the collection of the Guangdong Provincial Museum will be interesting to you. A dozen exhibition halls of the museum display not only paintings, but also samples of Chinese calligraphy, lacquer miniatures, hand-painted porcelain dishes.
The sculpture garden at the main entrance to the museum demonstrates the capabilities and skills of the young masters of the Middle Kingdom, and the halls dedicated to the modern interior acquaint visitors with the principles of decorating a Chinese home.
The Museum of Fine Arts regularly hosts famous world exhibitions of stars of contemporary art.
To get there: bus. N89, 194, 248.
Lotus mountains

In the old days, a stone quarry in Guangdong Province, Lotus Mountains Park offers water attractions, cute trekking trails, cafes serving Chinese cuisine, and contemplation and serenity in the heart of the vast city.
The park got its name due to the shape of the mountains that resemble a lotus flower. Once they were a sacred place for the inhabitants of Guangzhou: the ruins of an ancient pagoda dating back to the 17th century are preserved in the park. Today, the main attraction of the Lotus Mountains is a 40-meter-high gilded Buddha statue, from the foot of which you can look at Guangzhou and admire the sea views.
To get there: metro L4 st. Shiqi further - a taxi.
Sun Yat-sen Memorial
Interested in the recent history of the PRC? Include the memorial hall of the country's first president on a sightseeing tour of Guangzhou. At the foot of Yuexiu Hill, you can see a masterpiece of Chinese architecture, which has no analogues anywhere in the Middle Kingdom. Construction technologies allow the ceiling of the central hall, which is more than 70 m wide, to be supported without supporting columns. The walls of the memorial are skilful examples of painting and woodcarving, calligraphy and stone processing.