Austria is a country, in every corner of which there is something to surprise and delight tourists. For those who just want to relax and gain strength, there are excellent resorts in Austria, which are considered the best in the Alps in terms of price-quality ratio. Hot mineral springs in Carinthia, pristine lakes and picturesque landscapes delight travelers in the foothills of Salzburg, skiers are welcomed by Ischgl, Sölden, Kitzbühel. And Vienna is waiting for lovers of opera art, architectural masterpieces, historical sites and … gourmets.
Food in Austria
The Austrian menu will please any, even the unassuming guest of the country; the range of products is familiar to the average tourist. At the same time, there are "zests" and "highlights". Take an apple strudel or a Sachertorte chocolate cake. By the way, many dishes have the word "Viennese" in their names, not "Austrian". This is due to the fact that it was in the capital of Austria that recipes for these dishes were developed: Viennese sausages, Viennese schnitzel, Viennese goulash, Viennese coffee.
However, individual regions of Austria can also boast of their own unique recipes and signature dishes. For example, in Styria, stew with spices is considered the main dish, they love the potato menu in Tyrol, in Salzburg, pancakes, pancakes and dumplings are often served for lunch, apricot dumplings are unique in taste, cooked in Wachau. Without these culinary delights, Austrian cuisine would not be so rich.
Top 10 Austrian dishes
Vienna sausages

Vienna sausages
This is the first place to start your "journey" into the world of Austrian cuisine. A large territory of the country is located in the mountains, it is clear that the inhabitants of the alpine slopes prefer hearty and high-calorie food, the meat menu occupies a central place in their diet. The choice of meat dishes in Austria is very large. Sausages and sausages are very popular there, more than 1,500 different varieties are made, sausages are especially popular: Viennese and Debrecen with paprika.
Wiener Schnitzel
Wiener Schnitzel
Vienna schnitzel is a classic of Austrian cuisine, the country's main meat dish. Veal is beaten in a thin layer, rolled in breadcrumbs, eggs and flour, well fried with a large amount of butter or pork fat until thick golden brown. Served with cold potato salad and herbs, sprinkled with lemon juice, in a large plate. Moreover, the schnitzel hangs from the edges of the plate, covering half the table.
Viennese chicken
This dish has been known since the 18th century and was previously available only to aristocrats, now anyone can enjoy it. The chicken is rubbed with salt, black pepper, lemon, cut into large pieces, which are rolled in flour, eggs and bread crumbs, deep-fried in butter. The dish is very tasty, but very fatty.

A favorite dish of Emperor Franz Josef. It is a boiled beef in broth with vegetables. The meat is boiled for several hours so that by the end of cooking it literally melts in the mouth. Tafelspitz is served with apple horseradish and creamy sauce.
Fiacre goulash
Dish of Viennese horse-drawn carriage drivers. Delicious and satisfying. The meat is processed in such a way that the tendons are cut out, leaving the fat so that the broth in the goulash is saturated. Fry onions in a large frying pan in heated oil over low heat, add red pepper, vinegar, tomato paste, pieces of meat, spices and water so as to cover the meat with it. Stew under the lid for several hours. Sausages and pickled cucumbers are served with the ready-made goulash.
Trout with wild mushrooms
Trout with wild mushrooms
Lake and river trout, as a delicacy, are highly valued in local cuisine. Herbs and spices are mixed with oil, which is rubbed on the fish before baking. Finely chopped mushrooms are fried with onions. Ready juicy trout are laid out on plates with mushroom garnish.
Spetzle with cheese
There are also other names for this dish, for example, "knock" or "knöpfle". This is a multi-layered casserole made from "homemade noodles" with cheese. The dough is prepared as on dumplings, cut into thin plates (pieces), boiled in salted water, dried, spread on a baking sheet in layers, sprinkling each layer with grated cheese. You can add nuts. The baked dish is topped with fried and green onions.
Viennese apple strudel
This roll with different fillings, prepared in a special way, is called the Austrian miracle. Its recipe has been known since the 17th century. The peculiarity of this dish is that the filling is wrapped in the thinnest layer of dough and baked. The most popular, of course, is apple strudel, but no less loved are such as meat, sausage, potato, cabbage, sugar, milk-cream strudel. For apple strudel, mix flour, butter, eggs, salt, vinegar and leave the resulting dough in the refrigerator overnight. For the filling, simmer apples, nuts, raisins, cinnamon and sugar cut into pieces in a pan. Spread the filling on a thin layer of rolled dough and carefully roll it into a roll. They are baked in the oven. Sprinkle the finished strudel with icing sugar.

Kaiserschmarrn - a crispy omelet with raisins and cinnamon. A thick dough is made from flour, milk, sugar, eggs, fried on both sides, and then baked in the oven until golden brown. Then - the most interesting thing. Break the baked pancake (do not cut it!) Into different pieces, add raisins to it and bake. Sprinkle the finished dish with icing sugar. Serve with jam, berries or sweet puree.
"Sacher" chocolate-cream cake
It is the king of desserts in Austrian cuisine, and the cake is popular all over the world. It has a juicy chocolate flavor with a light fruity note because it is made with cocoa and apricot jam. Sachertorte goes well with coffee, which is a national product in Austria. The most popular is Viennese coffee. Austrians drink only a high-quality drink, and brewing it correctly is a skill that is not available to all coffee brewers. Residents of Austria cannot imagine a day without Viennese melange or another variety of this drink.