Accommodation in Astana

Accommodation in Astana
Accommodation in Astana
photo: Accommodation in Astana
photo: Accommodation in Astana

The President of Kazakhstan once made a very important decision - to move the capital from Almaty to Astana, formerly Tselinograd. Since that time, the city, one might say, received a rebirth, for new public buildings and residential buildings began to appear at the speed of sound. Taking into account the fact that the city has acquired a new face and has become very popular with Kazakhs and foreign visitors, the issue of temporary housing has become very acute. Let's see how accommodation in Astana for tourists is organized today, whether there are five-star hotels, whether it is possible to find an option for economical accommodation.

Accommodation in Astana - many options

The analysis of the tourist housing market shows that in the modern capital of Kazakhstan there are various options for accommodating guests, from luxurious 5 * hotels to quite democratic hostels. Interestingly, the world chains of hotels in Astana have erected a number of hotels of the highest category, obviously realizing all the benefits of construction in a city that is attractive to foreign tourists. Among the most famous names were noted: Rixos President 5 *; Radisson 5 *; Ramada Plaza 5 *.

Let's dwell a little more on these options, Rixos President has a 5 * category, it is called the most stylish hotel of all available in Astana. This hotel complex is intended not only for tourists, four conference rooms will allow you to hold any business forum or scientific conference. The gym and the pool will help to keep fit, given the richness and variety of the local restaurant's cuisine, it is impossible to do without additional physical education.

The Radisson hotel is in the same category as the Rixos President, it is located in the central part of Astana, in close proximity to the main architectural business cards of the city, the Bayterek monument, the country's largest exhibition complex. The hotel offers several options for accommodation in single and double rooms, in addition to, in fact, accommodation, in this hotel you can also go in for sports or continue your business, there are gyms and conference rooms.

Adjacent to them is the Ramada Plaza with the same 5 * category, it offers a variety of accommodation options, including the "Diplomat" and "President" rooms, with huge king-size beds. This hotel has three restaurants and a lounge bar, an indoor pool, fitness and other sports facilities.

Other accommodation options in Astana

The capital of Kazakhstan is ready to please not only the most affluent tourists, except for hotels of the highest category, there are also simpler hotels. By the way, there are not so many five-star hotels, mainly the hotel row is represented by four- and three-star hotels.

An interesting fact - in Astana there are many proposals for renting apartments for a short time, enterprising capital residents understand that this type of tourist activity brings considerable income, therefore, they actively rents apartments to foreign guests. And the second, no less interesting fact is connected with Astana hostels, in this Asian capital they are presented in sufficient quantity.

Hostels are located in the city center and on the outskirts, allowing guests to independently choose their accommodation option. Many of them are equipped with bunk beds and can accommodate up to 10-12 people. On the other hand, for many tourists and guests with limited financial resources, this is the only opportunity to see the modern capital of Kazakhstan. The cost of an overnight stay in a hostel will cost about 10–20 USD per person, which is quite a negligible amount compared to living in a 5 * hotel.
