You can endlessly talk about the cultural capital of Russia, a competitor to Moscow in terms of the number of historical monuments and cultural attractions. The topic of this material - "Accommodation in St. Petersburg" - is very important and topical, since the city offers a huge number of options for accommodating Russian and foreign tourists. In this matter, it is important to find out what conditions are most important for the guest, to build on them when choosing a hotel, apartment or a cheap hostel.
Accommodation in St. Petersburg - price depending on the season

Tourists can be found in St. Petersburg at any time of the year, regardless of the season and weather. Nevertheless, in recent years, the following trend has been observed - the number of travelers increases sharply in late May - early June. This is primarily due to the fact that the so-called white nights come to the city, and with them a large number of festive events, festivals and holidays.
And this, undoubtedly, affects the cost of rented housing, and not only apartments, but also hotel complexes. Therefore, the guest has several ways to solve the housing issue: contact the early booking system; choose accommodation located closer to the place of future festive events; pay attention to affordable 2 * and 3 * hotels, as well as hostels.
The summer season is also good in terms of the climatic conditions of St. Petersburg. An important fact is the work of the magnificent gardens of Peterhof, which are possible for visiting other sights of the city on the Neva.
Petersburg - there is a choice
The celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg helped significantly expand the hotel range in the city, update the material and technical base of the existing hotels, and improve the social infrastructure. Naturally, the distance from the historic center of Petra is the main factor affecting the cost. Today you can find good accommodation options in any area of the city:
- expensive, fashionable hotels in the central part of St. Petersburg, which is under the tutelage of UNESCO;
- budget proposals of hotels hiding in the old houses-wells of the city or located closer to the outskirts;
- hotels - the so-called "greetings from the past", located in fairly new areas.
In the historical heart of St. Petersburg, you can meet representatives of the world's most famous chains, there are Russian premium hotels. Small private hotels are located in residential buildings, a large selection of apartments is one of the striking characteristics of the city on the Neva. Many of these places of residence are located where the St. Petersburg communal apartments used to be, but the living conditions then and now are incomparable. Expensive European-quality renovations, finishing with modern materials, all conditions, among the minuses are rather shabby entrances, the absence of separate entrances and elevators in some houses.
Another nuance of accommodation for tourists in St. Petersburg is a large number of hostels, in this matter the Northern capital of Russia is not inferior to either Moscow or other European capitals. Relatively cheap hotels of this type can be found on Vasilievsky Island, in the vicinity of Nevsky Prospect, the most favorite places among guests.
To summarize, I would like to note that in St. Petersburg there is always a hotel of the level of comfort and cost necessary for a guest. The most difficult thing is for tourists with children, and the largest number of rooms is offered by St. Petersburg mini-hotels and hostels.