Accommodation in Yerevan

Accommodation in Yerevan
Accommodation in Yerevan
photo: Accommodation in Yerevan
photo: Accommodation in Yerevan

The capital of Armenia is an ancient and at the same time very beautiful city that hospitably opens its doors to every foreign guest. There are many monuments and architectural masterpieces, even more luxurious and small, cozy restaurants, where they generously offer wine and cognac, as well as incomparable songs. But "people are not fed up with a single song", many guests even before the trip think about the place of their future residence.

Let's try to answer the question of what kind of accommodation in Yerevan is most popular today, in general, what types of hotels are available in this beautiful city.

Accommodation in Yerevan - three options

Today, the Armenian capital seeks to develop the tourism sector, creating an attractive image of the city in the eyes of potential guests, therefore, it has significantly expanded the hotel base. Travel industry analysts note that the most popular types of tourist accommodation in Yerevan are the following: state and private (Armenian or foreign) hotels; apartments or apartments for rent; trendy hostels.

This does not mean that all the options are limited to this, just others (mini-hotels, boarding houses) are much less popular. As for the hotels, shifts for the better are visible, in Yerevan you can find hotel complexes of different categories.

One of the most famous hotels - Marriott 5 * - is located on Republic Square, in the very center of the capital. He is a representative of the well-known world chain of hotels, by the way, it pleases with not too high prices, so the cost of a single room - from 210 USD, a double - from 250 USD. Guests love to stay here for the stunning views, unique medieval atmosphere, gorgeous interiors and good service.

The Golden Tulip Hotel, which also has 5 * on the facade, but is located a little further from the center, offers prices one third lower than for similar rooms in the Marriott Hotel: single - from 160 USD; double - from 200 USD.

The Hotel Complex Latar 5 * looks like a king - a majestic building resembles a medieval palace. Inside, it is no less beautiful - huge halls, cozy rooms with leather furniture, opportunities for sports, cultural entertainment. The highlight is the stunning pool located right outside the hotel walls. There are hotels of lower categories in Yerevan, therefore, they have more suitable room rates for representatives of the budgetary sphere.

Yerevan hostels

Probably, many tourists are ready to call the man who invented hostels a genius. Such temporary housing is the cheapest and allows people with low salaries or students living on a scholarship to travel. Yerevan tries to keep up with other capitals of the world, so today, if you wish, you can stay not in a 3-4 * hotel, not in apartments, but in a cozy, comfortable hostel.

Many of them offer free parking, accommodation in dorms or family rooms, some establishments, in general, have single and double rooms for guests. Among the bonuses are breakfasts included in the cost of living, free excursions in Yerevan and the surrounding area. The cost of living in such a hostel varies from 5 USD to 20 USD per night.

Summarizing what has been said, we note that in Yerevan there is a sufficient number of places for tourists, while the prices for rooms are not at all exorbitant. If desired, the guest can rent a room in any hotel in Yerevan, live in private apartments or choose a cheerful, democratic hostel.
