- What to bring from Moldova from national souvenirs?
- Souvenirs from places with natural attractions
- Delicious Moldova
Each of the countries of the former Soviet Union has chosen its own path of development, found new friends, but is still happy with old connections and "native" tourists. Each of the sovereign states is ready to offer a wide selection of excursion programs, acquaintance with local sights and monuments, resorts and shopping. Wine and cognac is the first answer to the question of what to bring from Moldova, but not the only one. Below we will talk in more detail about Moldovan branded alcoholic beverages, as well as talk about what other products are receiving increased attention from foreign travelers.
What to bring from Moldova from national souvenirs?
A stylized image of a stork can be seen on every bottle of Moldovan cognac, all because the bird is sacred to the local people. There is a beautiful legend that during the siege of the fortress by the enemy, people were able to survive and win only because the stork brought a bunch of wine every day. Since those distant heroic times, this beautiful representative of the feathered tribe among the Moldavians began to be revered as a sacred bird. The stylized image of a stork today adorns various souvenirs, including napkins, mugs, magnets and badges. In addition, you can buy the very figurine of a bird, symbolizing freedom, independence and home.
The second place in popularity among guests is occupied by the national Moldovan costume, both for women and men. Some travelers buy a complete set, others are limited to individual parts. Martisor, folk embroidered shirts, are considered leaders in tourism demand. It is also important that machine embroidery is not welcomed by local craftsmen, all beauty is created by hand. Such things are quite expensive, because the low price for a shirt with embroidery is an indicator that the thing is most likely made somewhere abroad (most often called China), and the patterns appeared thanks to special machines for embroidery.
Women pay attention to chic felt bags; the traditions of making such practical things have existed in Moldova for centuries. And, if earlier Moldovan shepherds traveled with such household items through the mountains and valleys, today it is not shameful to walk with her in any European capital. This is because the craftswomen, using old technologies, make very modern things, choose bright colors, and complement the bags with original decorations made of the same felt.
Continuing the textile theme, it can be noted that a popular gift for guests is a carpet made in the spirit of ancient traditions, decorated with national ornaments. There is only one minus - the rather high cost of the product, which is quite justified, given that the craftswoman invests a lot of time and effort into making a masterpiece.
Souvenirs from places with natural attractions
There are many beautiful natural areas in Moldova - mountain landscapes, river valleys, lakes and caves. Traveling around the country, it is impossible to refuse the souvenirs that are offered in certain places. For example, a trip to the "Spring of Zemfira" is not complete without the guests taking with them a bottle of magic water from the estate named Rally-Arbore, on the territory of which the legendary spring is located.
A visit to the Cinderella cave, following the famous Czech fairy tale, ends for the guests with the fact that they take back to their homeland “three nuts”, or rather, a pebble, which must fulfill three wishes. True, the guides advise not to get carried away in search of the most beautiful "nut", as it is very easy to break away from the group and get lost in the labyrinths of this long and mysterious cave. It is also interesting in that it allows you to see layers of clay that differ in color. Many types of clay have cosmetological significance, and therefore such a souvenir useful for beauty can go to the guest's homeland.
Delicious Moldova
Returning to the topic of the most famous Moldovan gifts, I would like to remind you that it will be very difficult to refrain from buying wine and stronger drinks. Moreover, so-called "wine tours" have recently developed, when trips are organized around the most famous Moldovan vineyards and wineries.
On the other hand, it is these excursion routes that allow you to get acquainted with the history of viticulture in Moldova, conduct tastings with grape and wine varieties and choose the right gifts for family and friends. You can buy wine in the country in bottled and bottled form, but the latter tolerates transportation much worse.
Among other products, tourists like corn grits, which both in appearance and taste are significantly different from what is offered in ordinary Russian stores. In addition to the packaging of corn cereals, it is advisable to bring also a recipe for hominy, the most popular dish in the country, a kind of gastronomic brand of Moldova.