Not all countries in the South American continent are equally attractive in terms of immigration. This is due to many reasons, including the instability of the political situation or the transition economy. Argentina is the most popular among immigrants from European countries, but there are much fewer people interested in the question of how to obtain Venezuelan citizenship.
In this material, we will tell you about what regulatory legal acts the legislation on citizenship of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is based on, what routes of immigration are offered, which of them are most optimal for guests from another hemisphere.
How can you get Venezuelan citizenship?
Currently, the main legal document in Venezuela is the Constitution, which describes the rights and obligations of citizens. Experts say that in this state there are the following ways of acquiring citizenship: by birthright; by origin; through naturalization.
In principle, these mechanisms are considered the most common; they are present in the legislation on citizenship in different countries. The first way to obtain Venezuelan citizenship is "by birth", that is, every child who first saw this world on the territory of the country will be considered its citizen. And it doesn't matter what nationality his parents have.
The second method of obtaining citizenship - "by origin" - is more complicated, it is associated with some actions that must be taken by the parents of the newborn - citizens of the Bolivarian Republic (at least one of the parents), if the baby was born abroad. The first condition is that before the child reaches the age of majority (before the age of 18), the parents must return to the country, and the second is that the child must declare his desire to be a citizen of Venezuela. Such an opportunity is provided to him until the age of 25, but if this did not happen within the established time frame, then a person will be able to obtain citizenship on a general basis, that is, through naturalization.
Obtaining citizenship of the Bolivarian Republic by naturalization
The third way to become a citizen of Venezuela is to naturalize, it is suitable for all potential immigrants who come to this country and who are not eligible to obtain citizenship in other ways. One of the main conditions for applying for admission to the citizenship of the republic is the residency requirement. According to local legislation, it is five years for most potential applicants.
Certain categories of immigrants can use the right to obtain citizenship after living for a shorter number of years. The list of such lucky ones includes:
- former citizens of Latin America (loyalty to neighbors on the political and geographical map);
- former citizens of Spain, whose colony was once the territory of Venezuela;
- a foreigner who married a citizen of the Bolivarian Republic (for some reason, the rule does not apply to foreigners who have become legal spouses of residents of the country).
The opportunity to declare his desire to become a full member of Venezuelan society before the end of the cherished five years of residency is a minor foreigner whose parents (or one parent) have recently been naturalized. In this case, two other conditions must be met - reside in Venezuela and submit an application before the age of 25.
Loss and restoration of citizenship of the Bolivarian Republic
Since the institution of dual citizenship does not operate on the territory of Venezuela, its citizens need to be prepared for the loss of Venezuelan citizenship. This can happen in the case of immigration and citizenship in another country.
A resident of Venezuela, if married to a foreigner, remains a citizen of the Bolivarian Republic, unless she declares her intention to change her citizenship to the country of which her legal spouse is a representative.
The law spells out the possibility of returning citizenship, if it was previously lost for some objective reason. You need to return to your permanent place of residence in Venezuela, declare your desire to be a citizen of this country.
Loss of Venezuelan citizenship can take place on a voluntary or involuntary basis. In the first case, a person draws up a written renunciation of citizenship of the Bolivarian Republic, if he is abroad, then this document, along with a passport, he sends to the embassy or consulate. The loss of citizenship on an involuntary basis occurs mainly for one reason, a person acquires the citizenship of the country of new residence.
Experts note that it is quite easy to obtain Venezuelan citizenship if the conditions are met. Refusals are extremely rare, only for those potential applicants who have violated the laws of Venezuela.