- Features of thermal springs in the Czech Republic
- Jachymov
- Karlovy Vary
- Teplice
Have you already seen most of the interesting places in the country and want to pay attention to your health? Take a look at thermal springs in the Czech Republic.
Features of thermal springs in the Czech Republic
Czech water is able to cure or significantly alleviate the condition of patients. Even Roman legionnaires were able to appreciate the benefits of local waters, who built the first therapeutic baths on Czech soil.
There are a sufficient number of thermal spas in the Czech Republic: for example, guests of Janske Lazne can not only climb the Black Mountain (its height is almost 1300 m) on a funicular, and go skiing, but also try out the effect of carbonate thermal water, temperature + 27 degrees.
In Jachymov, there are sources of sodium bicarbonate thermal waters, which, in addition to radon, contain rare elements such as beryllium, molybdenum and titanium (the water is endowed with natural radioactivity).
Those who “pampered” their body with a radon bath will expose it to an “energetic soul”, thanks to which they will be able to overcome even the most severe chronic diseases. And radioactive substances will not have time to harm the patient, since they decay soon after the 20-minute procedure. It is worth noting that it is advisable to do therapeutic exercises in front of her in the gym or pool.
The resort's health resorts use water from 4 sources (they “hit” from a 500-meter depth in the Svornost mine): C1spring, Curiespring, Agricolaspring (their water temperature is +29 degrees) and Behounekspring (+ 36˚C).
Treatment in Jachymov is indicated for people who have received burns and have problems with the musculoskeletal system (water eliminates metabolic disorders, relieves inflammation and pain). Patients with anemia, rheumatic vasculitis, and atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities can also achieve good results.
And in order to enhance the healing effect in Jachymov, they propose to experience a unique procedure - brachyradium therapy. Its essence is as follows: the patient will be placed for 6-10 hours in a special hospital, where his inflamed joints will be exposed to gamma rays (the source of this radiation is radium salts).
Karlovy Vary
Karlovy Vary is attractive for its diverse nature, rich history and 13 healing springs (their water contains at least 50 useful substances) with different levels of carbon dioxide and temperatures from + 30˚C to + 72˚C. Karlovy Vary water is able to cure diabetes, obesity, liver, intestine and stomach diseases.
The main thermal springs in Karlovy Vary:
- Vrzhidlo spring: water, with a temperature of +72 degrees (contains 315 mg of carbon dioxide per liter), is “knocked out” from a 2000-meter depth. The location of the Vrzhidlo spring is the colonnade of the same name - there visitors will find containers with water that is cooled to different temperatures (its purpose is drinking).
- Garden source: CO2 content in + 47-degree water - 900 mg / l. The exit of the source outside, access to which is open from 6 am to 6:30 pm, is made on the territory of the Military Sanatorium.
- The source of Charles IV: water (+ 64˚C) contains 400 mg of carbon dioxide per liter. Would you like to see how Karlovy Vary was discovered? Look at the bas-relief placed above the source.
- Libushi spring: the water temperature in the spring is +62 degrees, and it contains 552 mg / l of CO2. The Libushi spring is represented by 4 springs, which are brought out into a single vase.
- Mill source: CO2 content in water (+ 56˚C) - 600 mg / l. The water of this source is unique in that its miraculous properties are preserved even during long-term transportation.
- A rocky spring: earlier, water, with a temperature of + 53˚C (contains 700 mg of carbon dioxide per liter), flowed into the Tepla River, and today it is brought to the Mill Colonnade.
Are you going to get medical treatment in Karlovy Vary? Be prepared for a special diet and 12-19 treatments per week.
People who are diagnosed with vascular diseases, scoliosis, arthritis, hypertension, psychosis in remission, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, vertebrogenic syndrome, as well as congenital orthopedic defects are sent to Teplice.
Teplice is famous for two thermal springs (a characteristic feature is a high fluorine content): Ginie (+44.5 degrees) and Pravřidlo (+38.5 degrees).
At the resort, patients are offered to undergo a bio course "Nutergia" (individual intake of vitamins is indicated for people who are diagnosed with chronic stress, increased fatigue and other chronic diseases), as well as a course of peloid wraps (heated mud is used) and a drinking course "Bilinskaya acidic mineral water" (patients drink 0.7 liters of water 2 times a day for a week; this course is prescribed for those who have inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract and stomach dysfunction, as well as impaired uric acid metabolism).