Unhurried Estonians do everything thoroughly: build houses, bake bread, work and, of course, rest. Winter sports are among the favorite pastimes of the inhabitants of the Baltic country, and the ski resorts of Estonia are gaining more and more popularity not only among its residents, but also among foreign tourists.
Equipment and tracks
The main ski resort in Estonia is located near the town of Otepää. It is located in the south of the country, and its name in translation from Estonian sounds like "bear's head". The trails of the Kuutsemäe resort are located 14 kilometers from the city. For two decades, residents of Estonia have considered their ski resort to be the best, and therefore it is very crowded here on weekends or during school holidays.
The Kuutsemäe trails are not particularly long or difficult, but flying down the slope with a breeze is quite possible here. In total, the resort has seven slopes, the length of each of which does not exceed half a kilometer. The slopes in Kuutsemäe are marked according to all the rules of skiing technology. There is a "green" track, which is most suitable for beginners and intermediate skiers. For the more advanced, the Estonian ski resort has prepared the Porikraavi trail, which is not an easy task to go down. Kuutsemäe has not forgotten about snowboarders either. Mount Kuutse has become an excellent place for the construction of a fan park, where somersaults and tricks are practiced with a plus.
The Estonian ski resort offers equipment rental and lessons at the school for beginners, led by experienced, including Russian-speaking, instructors. On the children's slope, even very young students can take their first steps, for whom a vacation in Kuutsemäe will become a real unforgettable adventure.
Entertainment and excursions
A guest house in a ski resort in Estonia is ready to host at least 80 winter sports fans. There is little entertainment here - a couple of restaurants and a hot bath. But guests can always go to the nearby town of Otepää and go shopping there, take a look at the local sights or taste the national cuisine. And all of Estonia is quite accessible to visitors to its ski resort. The country cannot boast of a large occupied area, and therefore excursions to Tallinn or Tartu will help to significantly diversify the cultural program of guests.