Rest on the territory of the Primorsky Territory is good in any season. The local nature is very beautiful and allows you to combine educational tourism with health and sports recreation. In the winter season, ski slopes that are suitable for adults and children become relevant. Winter rest reveals to the tourist the charm of the Ussuri taiga nature, which has been preserved in its original form.
What attracts children's rest in Primorye
Children's camps in the Primorsky Territory are located in coastal areas. Children's rest is also possible on the territory of summer camps scattered across the islets of Primorye. From July to September people come here, attracted by the "golden" beaches of the Sea of Japan. Prices for children's vouchers are very democratic. Rest in Primorye is sandy beaches, clear water, hills, and a variety of flora. The local nature has incredible beauty and healing energy. There are sources of medicinal water and healing mud here. It is best to take a ticket to a children's camp located outside the city limits. In this case, rest will help cleanse the body from the harmful effects of the bad ecology of the city. In Primorye there are a huge number of sanatoriums and health camps.
The advantages of camp recreation are excellent living conditions, comfort, safety and exciting leisure time. Children attend medical procedures, take walks, spend time on the beach. Cognitive vacation is successfully combined with a beach one. In the Primorsky Territory, there are many day-stay camps, sports and recreation centers and specialized camps. All these institutions invite girls and boys from all over Russia. Children's camps in the Primorsky Territory often host children from Japan, Korea and Laos. Recreational summer establishments operate on uninhabited islets and in city parks. Popular scout camps are located on Krabbe Island.
What do children do during their vacation
Activities depend on the season. During the summer holidays, the children go hiking and cycling. They visit local natural attractions, of which there are a lot in Primorye. Taiga, Mount Pidan, the "Dragon Park" rock complex, etc. are attractive objects. The Primorsky Territory provides ample opportunities for sports tourism and active recreation. If the camp is located near the sea, then children can visit water attractions and take boat trips. The swimming season in the region lasts until September. In winter, Primorye is also very interesting. Children go downhill skiing, ice skating and sledging. Rest in the camps of the Primorsky Territory is interesting for children of any age.